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[Sweden] Votes on a Bill to Lower Gender Transition Threshold Despite Public Opposition

▲ 출처: Unsplash의CARTIST

“You who speak God’s statutes, be instructed by the law of the Lord.”

Sweden, which became the first country in the world to legalise gender reassignment in 1972, is pushing for legislation to make gender reassignment administratively and physically easier. According to AFP, Sweden will vote on a bill on the 17th (local time) to lower the legal age for gender change and eliminate the approval process for gender reassignment surgery.

The bill includes provisions to change the age at which one can legally change gender from the current 18 to 16. However, teenagers under 18 must obtain approval from their parents, doctors, and the National Health and Welfare Committee.

In addition, when changing one’s legal gender, one had to undergo a ‘gender dysphoria diagnosis’ to check for the gap between biological sex and the gender one perceives. However, if the bill is passed, this will no longer be necessary.

Additionally, if the bill is adopted, gender reassignment surgery will be permitted from age 18, as it is now, but will no longer require approval from the Ministry of Health and Welfare.

Public opinion is cold. According to opinion polls, almost 60% of Swedes opposed the bill, while only 22% supported it. Opponents expressed concerns about biological males in women’s locker rooms and prisons and argued that it would make it easier for young people confused about their gender identity to undergo gender reassignment surgery.

If the bill is adopted, it will take effect from July 1 next year. (Source: News 1 Comprehensive)

Blessed is the one you discipline, Lord, the one you teach from your law; Can a corrupt throne be allied with you—a throne that brings on misery by its decrees? But the Lord has become my fortress, and my God the rock in whom I take refuge. (Psalms 94:12,20,22)

God, please rebuke the Swedish government for its foolishness in plotting disaster under the pretext of regulations by voting on a bill that will lead to the destruction of soul and body. May You prevent the bill from being passed. Please help the Swedish church shout out the truth of the gospel fervently and fight through prayer, so that Sweden, leaning towards the path of evil, will return to You and honour Your decrees. May the souls of this land who have wandered without knowing the Truth meet You as their Saviour, take refuge in You and receive instructions from You. 

Prayer 24·365

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