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[Belgium] Mayor Attempts to Suspend a Conservative Conference with Force … Dramatically Resumed by the Supreme Court Decision.

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 The Independent 영상 캡처

“You have not concealed the truth of the Lord amid many congregations.”

In Belgium, a conflict occurred between the government trying to prevent the recent conservatism event that opposes abortion and same-sex marriage and citizens opposed to it. According to CBN News, the Belgian government blocked the entry of participants and guests to the venue of the National Conservative Conference, scheduled for April 16-17.

The government authorities made a judgement that the event was a hostile view on topics such as abortion, same-sex marriage, and the European Union. However, the Belgian Prime Minister and the Supreme Court intervened dramatically, and the event resumed in Brussels.

The organizers of the National Conservative Conference, that is, ‘NATCON’, had difficulties in securing the venue. The first and second preferred places were all cancelled due to the pressure from the authorities. However, got permission to use the venue in Saint-Josse-Ten-Noode which was the third preferred place. However, during the event, Mayor Emir Kir suddenly issued an order to suspend the event.

According to ADF International, the reason why Mayor Kir tried to stop the conference is that Natcon’s vision is not only ethically conservative, but also opposes the legalization of abortion and same-sex marriage, and above all, it is thought to be focusing on protecting ‘the sovereignty of individual states’ rather than ‘European Union’.

Paul Coleman, an executive of the ADF and the speaker of Natcon, said, “No public officials should exercise their powers to prevent free and peaceful assembly just because they do not agree with the statement.” “How can we claim that Brussels is the centre of Europe if we allow civil servants to listen only to one voice in Europe?” they questioned.

In response, the Constitutional Court, the highest court in Belgium, said in an emergency late-night judgment, “Article 26 of the Belgian Constitution gives all people the right to gather in peace. The threat to the public order appears to be purely a reaction that could come out from opponents of this group.”

“Administrative courts have taken the side of basic human rights by allowing to continue national conservatism meetings. Common sense and justice have won, but what happened this time is a dark sign of European democracy,” said Coleman.

“The mayor has the power to enact police ordinances in the event of ‘severe disturbance of public peace or other unforeseen events’, but in this case, there was no sufficient threat to justify it,” ADF pointed out.

“The authoritarian censorship we witnessed this time is one of the worst in European history. Thankfully, the Constitutional Court was able to protect the essential characteristics of democracy once again by acting promptly to prevent the oppression of the basic freedom of assembly and the press,” he added. (Source: Synthesis of the Gospel Prayer Newspaper)

I desire to do your will, my God; your law is within my heart. I do not hide your righteousness in my heart; I speak of your faithfulness and your saving help. I do not conceal your love and your faithfulness from the great assembly. (Psalms 40:8, 10)

God, thank You for those who speak the truth and fight for it in a European society where human ideas and pretensions are highly regarded in the name of peace and harmony of the society. May You give grace to those who delight in doing Your will and proclaim Your truth without hiding it. May You destroy the schemes of the enemy that slanders them and help the righteous to fight the good fight until the end. May Your mercy be upon those who don’t know Your Words to discern right and wrong and help the churches in Belgium and Europe to shine the light of the truth for the people to know You, the Saviour throughout the ages.

Prayer 24·365

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