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[Germany] Passes radical law allowing parents to change the gender of newborns

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 DW News 영상 캡처

“But we are all the work of thine hands, O LORD.”

The Washington Stand reported on the 24th that the German Federal Assembly recently passed a bill allowing parents to change the sex of their newborns. On April 12, the German Federal Assembly passed the ‘Self-Determination Act (SBGG)’, one of the most comprehensive sexual self-determination policies in the world. The bill establishes gender identity as a protected characteristic and allows parents to change their child’s documented sex label from birth.

Opponents of gender politics acknowledge that adults can make their own choices because they are better able to assess the risks of choosing hormone therapy or amputation. However, children are quite different from adults. Opponents of gender ideology are well aware of how vulnerable children are to the manipulative nature of so-called ‘gender confirmation therapy’.

Therefore, there is a constant struggle to keep children from these ideological procedures. However, the reality is that too many children are already falling victim to medical experiments. This is why people are even more angry about the recent law passed in Germany.

Due to the recently passed law on the right to self-determination, citizens will now be fined 10,000 euros for ‘dead naming’, that is, calling people by name from the past that is no longer used. Deadnaming is a term used by LGBT gender identity activists when someone is called without permission by the name given to them at birth rather than the name according to their gender identity.

The Right to Self-Determination Act goes one step further than the worst-case scenario and “allows parents to change their child’s sex recorded at birth.” From 5 years of age, children and parents are allowed to change their name and gender if parent and child have mutual consent.

Doctors emphasized that Europe is more radical than the United States in terms of the degree to which gender ideology is tolerated.  However, some countries, including the UK, Sweden, Finland and Norway, are starting to backtrack on this procedure as more evidence emerges about its harmful effects.

Fortunately, in the United States, people who want to protect the safety of children by preventing laws such as the Self-Determination Act from being enacted are fiercely fighting(Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Comprehensive).

All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind, our sins sweep us away. Yet you, Lord, are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. (Isaiah 64:6,8)

God, we confess that You have given each person sex and characteristics according to Your will. Please destroy the enemy’s scheme that even tries to control the gender of a newborn child. Please rebuke the rulers of the world who drive souls to commit sins. May You lift the hands of those who are fighting a fierce battle to stop the administration of the wicked law to protect young lives. May You raise the parents in Germany who recognise You Lord are the potter and father, and they will exercise their power rightfully before You, thus raising their children with the truth. May the churches in Germany continue spreading the gospel of the cross to people, and many will repent and turn to You who is merciful.

Prayer 24·365

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