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[Mexico] Hidalgo Christians Flee Their Hometown Due to Religious Persecution

▲사진출처: 유튜브 채널 International Christian Concern 캡처

“Help me and save me, O LORD my God.”

Christians in Hidalgo State, located in eastern Mexico, are leaving their hometown due to religious persecution. According to Evangelical Focus, about 100 evangelicals from La Gran Comisión Baptist Church in Coamila and Rancho Nuevo, Hidalgo, left their hometown on April 26.

Members of this church visited the head of the local government of Hidalgo to ask for help amidst the increasing severe religious persecution against them. They planned to stay in the capital of Hidalgo, seeking refuge and first aid from members of other evangelical churches and hoping for an official response from authorities.

The most recent crisis began on March 25, when Pastor Rogelio Hernández Baltazar and two other believers were detained by the Coamila delegation. After 48 hours of negotiations led by community representatives, an agreement was reached, and they were released.

But in early April, Coamilla villagers ignored the signed agreement and invaded five farms owned by evangelical Christians, destroying crops, cutting down trees and removing stones. Three houses were fenced off to prevent the homeowners from entering the house. Believers were physically attacked on several occasions.

Villagers with machetes even attempted to break down Pastor Balthazar’s door almost every night. On April 25, villagers of Coamilla and Rancho Nuevo cut off electricity to all homes of Evangelicals.  They also looted some churches and posted guards at the entrances. The believers had no choice but to leave their homes and land due to constant threats and disconnection of communication channels. 

These religious attacks began in 2016. The majority do not accept any religion other than traditional Roman Catholicism. Though congregants contributed to social charity projects, unless it was not for the benefit of Roman Catholic Churches, they were systematically deprived of rights such as access to cemeteries, children’s attendance at school, use of wells, government benefits, transportation rights, farming and land ownership, as well as being subject to serious physical attacks on several occasions.

Hidalgo Province Evangelical believers reported these incidents to the relevant authorities several times, but the authorities have not taken any actions, and religious persecution continues in the areas. (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper)

Help me, LORD, my God; save me according to your unfailing love. Let them know that it is your hand, that you, LORD, have done it. (Psalms 109:26-27)

God, help the Mexican believers who are suffering from such severe persecution making it hard for them to maintain a basic life.  May Your presence be with them so that the churches will not give up but continue to stand as Christ’s church in the regions. Although they have no government authority to help and protect them, may You be their fortress and shield. May the power of the gospel convict the persecutors so that they will repent from their sins and come to know the living God. 

Prayer 24·365

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