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[Brazil] Small Churches in Brazil Help Flood Victims and Spread God’s Love

▲ 출처: 복음기도신문 캡처

“That you may be rich by the grace of Christ.”

While small churches in Brazil are helping flood victims, Brazilian authorities also rely on churches to serve flood victims. According to Christianity Today, in celebration of the church’s third anniversary, Pastor Tarik Rodriguez has been trying to recruit preachers and worship leaders from all parts of the country for several weeks.

But the recent heavy rains that began falling in the area did more than disrupt the small church’s memorial plans. Floods devastated communities. The storm, which began in late April, tore through the most populous region of Rio Grande do Sul, killing at least 116 people. About 130 people are still missing.

Due to high water levels, roads were closed and so was the airport, and flights were suspended until May 30. As of May 10, approximately 400,000 people have fled their homes, and 70,772 are staying in public shelters. Some sought shelter in Viela da Graça, which is largely protected from flooding due to its high altitude.

Since May 4, Pastor Rodriguez and his 75 congregation have been housing about 50 people in a 3,500-square-foot building with two bathrooms. “As Christians, we had to open our churches,” said Pastor Rodriguez. 

In addition to the limitations of the bathroom, the conditions were poor. Power outages occur frequently and both tap water and drinking water supplies are cut off, so drinking water and shower facilities are provided by nearby residential complexes.

Brazilian evangelicalism is primarily known for its large churches, but small churches are stepping up to serve their communities in flood relief efforts. “It’s like the widow’s offering in Luke 21,” said Egon Grimm Berg of Rio Grande do Sul Baptist Church. “They are giving everything they have.”

The Reformed Church founded by Pastor Emmanuel Malinoski in the Quarto Distrito area of ​​Porto Alegre three and a half years ago has about 80 members. Last week, the nearby Guaiba River overflowed, submerging the first floor of the church building. Despite this, the church is cooking, cleaning, and distributing donations to the 82 victims in a temporary shelter that was used as a warehouse.

“None of the people being helped are members of the church,” said Malinowski, who was trying to salvage furniture from the church building when the water began to rise. “We are leaving an important witness in our community.” The flood-damaged state of Rio Grande do Sul has one of the lowest percentages of evangelicals among Brazil’s 26 states. (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Comprehensive)

I am not commanding you, but I want to test the sincerity of your love by comparing it with the earnestness of others. For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich. (2 Corinthians 8:8-9)

God, may Your grace and mercy be upon those who are afflicted by the heavy rain in Brazil, and please comfort those who have lost their beloved family and neighbours. Thank You for guiding the church with the vitality of Jesus Christ to comfort and serve people who are in despair and deep depression from the flood damage according to what they have heard and learned. Although churches are small and weak in conditions, when they warmly hug the troubled souls with the love of the rich Lord, let it be a passage to meet the Lord, who is a haven not only for the body but also for the soul.

Prayer 24·365

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