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[Haiti] Haiti Gangsters Killed 3 Missionaries and Burned Their Bodies

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“We might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.”

Gangsters in Haiti reportedly killed a young American missionary couple and a Haitian mission organisation leader and then burned the two bodies. The victims are Davey Lloyd (23), Natalie Lloyd (21), and Bishop Jude Montes (45), director of Missions in Haiti, a missionary organisation based in Oklahoma, USA.

According to the American Christian Post, the three victims were attacked by armed men at the mission complex on the night of May 23. Davey and Natalie served as full-time missionaries in Haiti, devoting themselves to education and religious services for children. Footage analysed by the Wall Street Journal showed three bodies on the floor, two of them charred.

The couple moved to Haiti after getting married in June 2022 and have been working with Missions in Haiti, an organisation founded in 2000 by Davey Lloyd’s parents. The organisation’s orphanage is located in Rizonne, north of Port-au-Prince, an area with a high level of violent gang influence.

Natalie Lloyd is the daughter of Missouri Congressman Ben Baker. “My heart is broken into a thousand pieces,” Rep. Baker wrote on Facebook shortly after her daughter’s death. “I have never felt pain like this,” he expressed his grief.

Davey’s father, David, said the mission group had faced numerous challenges, including in 2005 when Davie and his brothers were kidnapped and rescued 21 hours later.

Haitian police are working with international law enforcement agencies to investigate the killing. In a statement to CNN, the White House expressed condolences to the bereaved families and emphasized the need to quickly deploy UN-authorized international police forces to strengthen security in Haiti.

Violence against foreign missionaries is part of worsening gang activities in Haiti. Gangs armed with weapons mainly smuggled from the United States have spread throughout the capital and other cities, attacking police stations and hospitals and helping prison breaks of inmates.

The killings occurred as Haiti’s new governing council awaits the deployment of Kenyan police forces with US support. However, the deployment of troops is currently being delayed due to funding issues.

After the missionaries were killed, the United States urged the Kenyan government to deploy police forces quickly. In a recent interview with the BBC, Kenyan President William Ruto said peacekeeping police forces will arrive in Haiti in about three weeks. (Source: Christian Today Comprehensive)

So that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone. (Titus 3:7-8)

God, we entrust Haiti to You as we hear the sad news of the martyrdom of missionaries who remained in Haiti despite the violence and threats from gangs.  May You enthrone in the land and restore this country. May You comfort the family saddened by the loss of their loved ones. Let them hold firm to the hope of eternal life and give them the strength to run toward the kingdom of the Lord. May the international community take quick action in deporting security forces to the land and I look forward to the amazing things that You will surely show in Your time through the missionaries who have become a grain of wheat fallen on the ground.

Prayer 24·365

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