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[El Salvador] Victory in the War Against Gangs is Through ‘Prayers’

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

Views: 135

“Pray always in the Holy Spirit to stand against evil spirits.”

After ridding his country of violent gangs, Nayib Bukele, the president of El Salvador is crediting God with his administration’s success in bringing security to the land. 

According to the Washington Stand, on the 5th, President Bukele spoke to Tucker Carlson who was Fox News “Tucker Carlson Tonight” host about the practice of Satan worshipping of the MS-13 gang, the “spiritual war” the Western world is facing, and how El Salvador’s administration has transformed the country from the world’s highest murder rate into the second safest country in the Western Hemisphere.

“They didn’t start as a Satan worship organisation,” Bukele said of Mara Salvatrucha, the international gang better known as MS-13. “At the beginning, it was some youth causing harm, assaulting, trying to control their territory, and selling drugs.”

“As the organisation grew, they became satanic. They started performing satanic rituals,” Bukele explained. “I don’t know exactly when that started, but it was well documented. And in the process of arresting them, we’ve even found altars dedicated to Satan. They became a satanic organisation.” 

In 2029, after being elected president, Bukele implemented his “Territorial Control Plan,” to drastically reduce crime, particularly homicide, in El Salvador. MS-13 was one of his administration’s chief targets. Bukele then launched a more severe nationwide crackdown against gangs, bolstered by the Salvadoran legislature’s declaration of a “state of exception.”

With this, the rights of association and legal counsel were suspended and the time suspects could be detained without charges was extended. By the end of the year, homicides in El Salvador had plummeted by almost 60%, and as of this year, nearly 80,000 suspected gang members have been arrested. “Spiritual war and physical war are concurrently going on. Our impressive victory was possible because we won the spiritual war,” Bukele commented.

Referring to the successful anti-gang crackdown as a “miracle,” Bukele attributed the endeavour’s success to prayer and said that “prayer” was the unofficial strategy. When launching the anti-gang crackdown, Bukele told his cabinet and government officials, “We are looking into an impossible mission here, so we pray.” He recalled that he prayed daily for wisdom, victory, and the protection of his people. (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Comprehensive)

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 6:11-12, 18)

God, we praise You for raising leaders who look to You for wisdom in the face of impossible tasks and bestowing them with victories as they pray to stand against the invisible spiritual war. May this serve as a catalyst and raise all citizens of El Salvador to take on the full armour of God and become spiritual warriors who fight battles through prayer so that they can see You working. May the gospel of the cross be spread further in the land through those who believe so that many will be rescued from the power of darkness and moved into the kingdom of the Son. May El Salvador be the land praising the Lord.

Prayer 24·365

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