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[Sri Lanka] Pastors Released after Arrested on Charges of Conversion While Repairing Houses Destroyed by Storm

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Do not grow weary in doing good, brothers.”

Recently, seven pastors who were repairing houses destroyed by a typhoon in the Kandapola region of central Sri Lanka were falsely accused and imprisoned that they had visited the village to convert residents.

According to the correspondent of this news, pastors from nearby areas visited there in mid-June to repair the roof of a minister’s house in the Kandapola area whose roof had been blown off by a recent typhoon. However, Buddhists, Hindus, and Muslims in the area joined together and accused the pastors who came from nearby areas of coming to convert the people and breaking the peace.

The police arrested the pastors on the spot and imprisoned them in Badulla Prison, accusing them of constructing illegal structures, disrupting official duties, and harming local peace, even though the construction work began after receiving permission from local officials.

Our correspondent reported the situation at the time, that among the pastors imprisoned, was the chairperson of a Christian group that had an upcoming meeting scheduled and that the local church community waited with concern, seeking the Lord’s reign.

However, these pastors held a service in prison on Sunday the 16th. About 120 inmates and prison officials attended the service, and many of them accepted Jesus and miraculous things happened, such as sick people being healed.  

Pastors were immediately released after the court trial on the 18th on the condition that they should be guaranteed by a legal guarantor and pay bail.

Our correspondent also said, “As the international community prayed after the incident of the local pastors’ unfair arrest, they experienced revival through worship in prison and the power of the gospel through unexpected results.”

Our correspondent said, “For the past four days they were imprisoned, the prison was the scene of a gospel conference and a heavenly revival feast,” and added, “Everyone had a special time of grace where they could taste the power of the gospel.” (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper).

As for other matters, brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honoured, just as it was with you. And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil people, for not everyone has faith. And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good. (2 Thessalonians 3:1-2, 13)

God, we thank You for the news of Sri Lankan pastors who were unjustly arrested for doing good but experienced revival in prison through faith in You, worship, and prayers of saints. May You continually help our brothers and sisters in Sri Lanka to stand firm in the truth, not be weary in doing good, and spread the gospel even if persecution against the church is increasing.  Also, let the saints of Sri Lanka and the nations pray for the persecuted church so that the gospel of the Lord spreads amid hardship and glorifies God.

Prayer 24·365

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