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[France] French Churches Are Networking to Spread the Gospel in Time for the Opening of the Olympics

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“May all nations praise you, O God.”

As Paris and all of France prepare for the opening of the Olympic Games (26 July), evangelical churches are networking to spread the Christian message, Evangelical Focus reported on the 17th.

Ensemble 2024 (Together) is a “coalition of churches, ministries and individuals all seeking to make Christ known through words and deeds during the Olympics”, Matthew Glock, the effort’s national coordinator, told Evangelical Focus.

Working groups in 10 cities including the capital Paris have started to host events around sports, social support, music, arts, and outreach campaigns. Some examples of local initiatives include volleyball tournaments, concerts, a hiking day, football competitions, united prayer gatherings, distribution of evangelistic materials, and an open-air festival held throughout the whole week in Grenoble. Another example is the four-day Kids Games organised by the evangelical church in Le Mée sur Seine.

Matthew Glock said the networking initiative of churches and Christian organisations was created to encourage collaborative efforts that would last beyond the Olympics and churches have the potential and influence when working together.

Prayer is emphasised as a central point of the Ensemble 2024 effort. The National Council of Evangelicals in France (CNEF) leads this effort. Furthermore, a global prayer campaign is to be launched with International Prayer Connect.  

Matthew Glock shared specific prayer points for those following the Paris Olympics from abroad.

Unity in Christ: May our unity in Christ be evident through the people we serve and how we work together”.

Prepared Hearts: May God be pleased to use our efforts to bring the truth of the Gospel to those he has prepared. May many come to faith.

Lasting Fruit: May the lessons learned through our collaboration during the Olympics produce lasting changes in how churches and ministries work together for the cause of the Gospel in France. (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Comprehensive)

May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine on us so that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. May the people praise you, God; may all the people praise you. (Psalms 67:1-3)

God, we thank You for allowing churches, ministry organisations, and individuals to unite and rise up and using the Olympics as mission opportunities as people from all around the world are coming to be part of it one way or the other. May the cross that is the power in those spreading the gospel be evident through their everyday lives. May the sound of worship from the prepared souls who met Jesus fill France and all nations. Let this not end as a short-term event, but let the church pray without ceasing in anticipation of what the Lord will do until all peoples are saved and prepare for the coming of the Lord.

Prayer 24·365

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