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[Malaysia] Expanding the Role of ‘Islamic Development Department’…Anticipating Discrimination of Minority Religious Groups

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 YTN 영상 캡처

“I have held out my hands to people who walk in ways not good.”

Malaysia’s Prime Minister has announced that he plans to expand the role of the Islamic Development Department (JAKIM) and discrimination against minor religions that do not comply with Sharia law is anticipated. According to the International Christian Concern (ICC), Malaysian Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim recently announced that he plans to expand the Islamic Development Department’s role to raise the country’s dignity and status.

Prime Minister Anwar met with the JAKIM leadership to draft a national development policy framework based on Malaysia Madani. The Islamic Development Department had previously focused on religious activities, such as preaching, education, and Quran reciting competitions, however, its role was not significant in the country’s major policies and budgets.

In response, Prime Minister Anwar emphasised the importance of harmonising the activities and contributions of the Islamic Development Department with the country’s overall goals. The Prime Minister also encouraged Muslims to discuss sustainability and the value system advocated by the Quran.

The ‘Madani government’ (referring to the current government in Malaysia) has assigned officers from the Islamic Development Department to all government departments to ensure the review by the Islamic Development Department of all programs and projects before they are implemented. This is to ensure that the government conforms to Islamic principles by enforcing Sharia law.

Programs that do not comply with Islamic Sharia will be rejected in the future, which may affect people of minority religions. About 65 % of Malaysians are Muslims, and 19 percent are Buddhists. Christians make up less than 10 % of the population.

On Aug. 6, Democratic Action Party (DAP) Chairman Lim Kwan-Eng criticised the Terengganu state government’s ban on female singers from performing at temple ceremonies, pointing out that it violates non-Muslims’ constitutional rights. Lim said, “It is clear that non-Muslims are not only being discriminated against but they are also being denied traditional entertainment or customs related to religious festivals.”

He then stressed that the ban violates Article 11 of the Federal Constitution, which guarantees religious freedom. He also said that Malaysians, especially non-Muslims, should also be aware that the measure can be applied to them, adding that “people of all religious backgrounds, especially non-Muslims, will be significantly affected by the measure.” (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper).

“I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me; I was found by those who did not seek me. To a nation that did not call on my name, I said, ‘Here am I, here am I.’ All day long I have held out my hands to an obstinate people, who walk in ways not good, pursuing their own imaginations. (Isaiah 65:1-2)

God, please rebuke Prime Minister Anwar for his evil plan to Islamise the country and violate religious freedom by Sharia Law by expanding the role of the Islamic Development Department.  Pray Your voice of love calling obstinate people walking in their own ways to be heard by the rulers and the people of Malaysia and they may return to the Lord. May they recognise the true ruler is You Lord and may they be restored as Your worshippers and renew the land as Your church, the little flock of Your people, obey You in faith.

Prayer 24·365

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