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[U.S.] Ohio State University Revival, Thousands Attendance, More Than 60 People Baptised

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 Fox News 영상 캡처

“We might be for the praise of his glory”

On Aug. 28, thousands of people attended the revival rally at the Ohio State University (OSU) campus in the United States, where several American football players shared testimonies, and more than 60 students were baptised. The event was held in front of the school’s Curl Market, where several players from OSU’s football team, the Buckeyes, led the service, hosted by Christian student groups on campus.

The Lantern, the OSU student newspaper, reported that about 60 people were baptised at the rally. Speakers included American football team receiver Emeka Egbuka, running back TreVeyon Henderson, and defensive end J.T. Tuimoloau. Some reports put the number of attendees between 800 and 1,000, but an OSU faculty member said it was close to 2,000.

The faculty member said the event was “amazing” and that the players “shared from their heart” about their faith in God. “It was all Jesus-based, all focused on Him. Very vulnerable and very moving,” he said. After the players gave their testimonies, an “altar call” was held among those in attendance, with those wishing to be baptised raising their hands and being immersed in water-filled tubs that normally served as the ice tubs for the football team.

“Contact information of those who were baptised was passed to Christian student groups after the event,” the faculty member said. “Before they got baptised, we explained the Gospel and made sure they knew what they were doing. And then, afterwards, we brought them into a back room to share a bit more and have a presentation delivered to them about what discipleship looks like,” he said.

“Many of the different Christian student groups were there. So, organically, people brought their friends. And as they were being baptised, they already had friends who brought them into their groups.” In an interview with Fox News after the event, Babb said, “The turnout of thousands for the gathering was probably because everybody is looking for some sort of hope.”

“I think the human condition wants hope. I think those things that we’re looking for, that we’re searching for can only be found in Jesus,” Babb said. “It was an honour to see my Lord and my Savior move the way he did, and it was only because of him. It was all to bring him glory. It wasn’t about a football team. It wasn’t about anything else besides Jesus Christ and this country, America.” (Source: Christian Today Overall)

In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. (Ephesians 1:11-12)

God, thank You for the good news that thousands of people worshipped and more than 60 people were baptised as You willed at a revival rally on a campus in the United States. May You awaken the spirits of those who become king over themselves and rebel against God. Let the hymn of the glory not only of those who follow the Lord but also from all parts of America rise as they accept Jesus Christ as the Lord of their lives. Thus, let the young people who love the Lord obey the truth and become beautiful feet that deliver the gospel of the cross to nations for the completion of the mission that God will fulfil.

Prayer 24·365

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