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[Bangladesh] After Transitional Government was Formed, Islamic Extremists Threaten Christians…Mark with Crosses.

▲ 출처: 유튜브 채널 CBS크리스천노컷뉴스영상 캡처

“My God is my rock and shield, from violent people you save me.”

After the resignation of the Prime Minister in Bangladesh, knife-wielding Islamic extremists are threatening Christians and marking their homes with crosses, Face Wire recently reported. The Christian Solidarity International (CSI), a persecution watchdog group, warns that recent events in Bangladesh could pose serious risks to Christians and other minority religious people.

Due to bloody protests demanding reform over the quota system of government officers in the weeks of last month and the government’s hard-line crackdown, Bangladesh’s Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned and fled to India on the 5th of August, and military forces formed a transitional government. In response, Joel Veldkamp, CSI’s international communications director, said, “In the week since then riots arose across Bangladesh and Hindus, Christians, and Buddhists have been attacked by Muslim-organized mobs.”

The turmoil is considered a serious problem in that Bangladesh is a predominantly Muslim country. Bangladesh has an overwhelmingly Muslim population, but Veldkamp said it has a “long history of secularism and tolerance,” adding that “the overthrow of the government has increased the likelihood of spreading of violence of Islamist and jihadist more widely.”

Veldkamp explained the urgent situation in which CSI’s project collaborator was recently forced to leave Bangladesh. The collaborator literally had to flee to save his life. About five days after the transitional government was formed, Islamic extremists flocked to his house and threatened his wife and him with swords and guns.

They said, “From now on, it will be a 100 % Muslim country, and there is no room for Hindus and Christians. You must leave,” so the collaborator left Bangladesh. While he was on the run, he said he saw houses of other Christians in his neighbourhood marked with crosses.

This was for the extremists to identify where Christians lived and to attack them later. He also said he saw people being attacked and killed on the streets, and the scenes were “unforgettable.” Dozens of churches were bombed, and all Christian schools were closed. And Hindu temples were also attacked across Bangladesh.

“Muslims are threatening teachers to wear hijabs that women should wear under Islamic law,” Veldkamp said. “It’s a very concerning atmosphere right now.” The situation is getting more complicated as police and teachers are also being replaced by members of Islamic extremist groups. (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper)

My God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior— from violent people you save me. “I called to the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and have been saved from my enemies. (2 Samuel 22:3-4)

God, may You rebuke the evil thoughts of Islamic extremists taking advantage of political turmoil and trying to make Bangladesh a Muslim country using religious oppression and may You stop violence and threats speedily. May You be a refuge and a shield for Christians from those who want to harm their lives with swords and guns and let them be a channel to deliver the vitality of the gospel with strong faith in the face of persecution. Let the light of the gospel shine on the dark spirit of Islamic extremists so that they may encounter the God of salvation so that they may be restored as God’s people who sing to God who deserves praise.

Prayer 24·365

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