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[Korean Church] Koreans Don’t Believe in “God’s Existence”’… Ranked the Bottom of 26 Countries

▲ 출처: Unsplash의 Aaron Burden 사진 캡처

“He made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory”

Based on the recent “Global People’s Religious Consciousness Survey” conducted by global research institute IPSOS on 26 major countries around the world and the “Research on Religious Spirituality” conducted by Pew Research Centre in the United States, the Pastoral Data Institute analysed the religious characteristics of Koreans in “Numbers 254”.

As results of asking adults in 26 countries about their belief in ‘God’ or ‘higher power or spirit’, ‘belief in God in scriptures (Bible, Quran, Torah, etc.)’ accounted the most at 40%, and ‘belief in higher power or spirit other than God’ accounted 20%.

By country, Brazil was the highest at 89%, the U.S. at 72%, and the advanced countries of Europe like Germany, France and the U.K., at 43-45%. Korea was 33%, or one in three, significantly lower than the average of 26 countries (61%), and ranked the lowest among the surveyed countries along with Japan (19%).

After presenting religious concepts such as heaven, hell, spirit, and demons, the percentage of Koreans’ perceptions was around 30%, significantly lower than the average in 26 countries. Peru, Turkey, and South Africa ranked the highest.

Koreans’ ‘religious activities’ were also in the middle lower ranks. The proportion of people going to places of worship such as church or temple (more than once a month) was 21%, and the proportion of people praying outside of places of worship (more than once a month) was ranked 22nd with 24%.

According to the IPSOS analysis, people’s satisfaction with religious beliefs and spiritual life in the world averaged 72% in 30 countries (No. 1 was Indonesia at 89%). But Korea was at the bottom of the list with 50% with Japan, far below the average. On the other hand, Korea showed the highest in the perception that ‘people with different religions are uncomfortable’. The relationship between religion and life, such as ‘If you believe in religion, you will become a better citizen,’ was 20th out of 26 countries.

South Korea ranked second among 102 countries with 35% of adults who said they grew up in a religious environment but have no religion at present. South Korea ranked first among 102 countries with 53% of those who either changed their religion or had a religion before but abandoned it.

On ‘how important religion is in your life’, Korea ranked 84th out of 102 countries with 16% saying it is ‘very important’. Indonesia ranked first with 98%, while the U.S. 42% said it is ‘important’.

However, in the experiences of religious activities such as non-religious meditation or shamanic activities such as fortune reading in the past year, Korea ranked the highest in “meditation” with 55%, and 39% experienced fortune reading, contrary to low % in ‘religion’.

It was also found that Koreans are the most concerned about the meaning and purpose of life among the surveyed countries. 52% of Korean respondents said they think about the meaning and purpose of life at least once a month, significantly higher than those of Japan (30%) and Hong Kong (20%). Koreans showed unique characteristics that are far from religious yet have a highly religious nature. (Source: Christian Today Overall)

The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ. (2 Corinthians 4:4,6)

In his pride the wicked man does not seek him; in all his thoughts there is no room for God. (Psalms 10:4)

God, would You have mercy on Koreans who left Your grace and think they are standing and say with an arrogant heart that there is no God, but are wandering because they cannot solve their thirst in their souls. First, let the church which is the body of the Lord repent of their weakened faith failed to express God in consequence of living ignorant of and irrelevant to the gospel, and give grace to return to You who is the source of grace. Lord, would You make Your light shine in the heart of the Korean Church and give the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ so that they may rise as witnesses possessing the joy of salvation and the eternal gospel. Would You break the deceit of evil Satan that confuses the hearts of those who do not know God and shine the light of Christ over the dark spirit so that Korea may become a holy nation that adores God and praises the Lord.

Prayer 24·365

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