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[Ireland] 12,000 People Gathered in Dublin for the “March for Jesus”

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 All Nations Church Dublin 영상 캡처

Views: 42

“I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it”

Recently, 12,000 Christians gathered in Dublin, the capital city of Ireland, for the March for Jesus to pray for the country’s political and spiritual restoration.

According to Britain’s Christian Today (CT), 12,000 Christians spent a day of worship, joy, and harmony walking through the city centre on the 26th (local time) at the March for Jesus, hosted by All Nations Church and Betania Church.

From the Garden of Remembrance to Dáil Éireann, Ireland’s lower house of parliament building, participants filled the streets with signs reading “Jesus is our king” and “Jesus changes everything.” Organisers described the event as a “historic walk of faith.”

As a preacher, Pastor John Ahern of All Nation Church of Dublin read Jeremiah 1:10 and said, “I want us to pray for the country, the family, and the next generation. I believe that we are also here today in God’s providence. I truly believe we will see ourselves returning to God and the truth.”

He warned, “God does not bless the shedding of innocent blood. God does not bless euthanasia. God does not bless the sexual objectification of children. God does not bless abortion. God does not bless the cowardly church who refuses to call evil what it is.”

“I believe the church can have a prophetic role that shines light and leads the way. It is also my hope for the March for Jesus,” he continued. “Let’s pray that the people of Ireland return to Jesus, the light of the world. Let’s pray that the government may be used to defeat the waves of darkness and restore truth and reverence to this country.”

The March for Jesus started in 1987 by British worship leader Graham Kendrick, quickly spread across the United Kingdom and worldwide. In 1994, it developed into a global event with 12 million people participating in 170 countries. (Source: Daily Good News Roundup)

“And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”  (Matthew 16:18-19)

God, thank You for awakening the land of Ireland through the declaration of the Lordship of Jesus with living faith. Despite its long history and rich tradition of faith, this nation has turned away from the Lord, and faith appears to be fading. May the church, holding the key to heaven, boldly proclaim both the judgment of sin and the gospel of salvation. May this lead to the restoration of reverence, bringing the nation and the next generation out of darkness and into the light. We pray that You awaken Europe and all nations through the example of Irish saints who confess Jesus as their Lord. May the church rise once more, prepared for the second coming of the Lord, so that Hades will not overcome it.

Prayer 24·365

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