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[Germany] Ban Cannabis Across Christmas Markets

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

Views: 42

“Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.”

Christmas is about a month away, and local authorities in Germany, one after the other, have banned the smoking of cannabis in Christmas markets. The recent collapse of the “Traffic Light” coalition government which legalised recreational cannabis last April and the formation of a new federal government raised again the possibility of banning cannabis in the future.

According to the daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) on the 16th (local time), the German state of Saxony-Anhalt announced the banning of smoking and possession of cannabis in the Christmas market this year.

Authorities in Saxony-Anhalt cited provisions of federal drug laws to protect youth health. In legalising cannabis, the federal government banned smoking within a 100-meter radius of school buildings and sports facilities and prohibited smoking on pedestrian-only roads before 8 p.m.

Cannabis is also expected to be banned in Hessen’s Christmas market. “The smell of cannabis does not go well with the Christmas market,” Hessen’s Interior Minister Roman Pozek said. “We support the ban on cannabis by local governments in the jurisdiction.” “The legalisation of cannabis was the wrong decision,” he said, a member of the moderate conservative Christian Democratic Party (CDU).

The coalition governments of the Social Democratic Party (SPD), the Liberal Democratic Party (FDP), and the Green Party have legalised cannabis for recreation, saying that if it is brought to light, the black market will disappear, and youth health will be protected. In contrast, the CDU and Christian Social Party (CSU) alliance, the main opposition party, has campaigned to ban cannabis again if it returns to power.

The CDU-CSU coalition, which has the largest party approval rating, reaffirmed that cannabis prohibition is the “first legislative task” when early general elections became visible in February of next year. Silke Launert, a member of the Christian Socialist Party (CSU), said in a speech to parliament the day before, “The drug market has grown bigger than ever. We opened the door to Dutch drug gangs,” and argued, “The liberalisation of cannabis is the most important issue that should be withdrawn.” (Source: Yonhap News).

Nevertheless, God’s solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: “The Lord knows those who are his,” and, “Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.” (2 Timothy 2:19)

God, thank You for opening the possibility that the “Traffic Light” coalition government, which legalized cannabis this past Easter in April, may collapse, and that a new federal government, one that bans cannabis once again, could take its place. May the unjust laws that devastate both spirit and body, harming the health of youth, be swiftly overturned. We pray that the politicians who fear You would rise up to fight the good fight of faith in this matter. As Christmas draws near, may Your grace continue to lead us in remembering Christ and calling upon His name through the church. May Germany turn away from all injustice and rise again, firmly rooted on the solid foundation of God established by the cross.

Prayer 24·365

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