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[Laos] Franklin Graham Delivered the True Meaning of Christmas…14,000 people attended

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 Billy Graham Evangelistic Association 영상 캡처

“Whoever believes in him shall have eternal life.”

Pastor Franklin Graham delivered a Bible message about God’s love and the true meaning of Christmas to more than 14,000 people in Laos on the first weekend of December. In cooperation with the Rao Evangelical Church, Pastor Graham held the “Christmas Festival of Love” at the Saint-Phila Convention Hall in Vientiane, and believers gathered in public for the first time and raised the name of Jesus.

Pastor Graham said, if you remember nothing, remember one thing “God loves you.” In the packed stadium, praise leaders Charity Gayle, Tommy Coombs Band, and Rao Evangelical Church praise team led the service together.

Pastor Franklin Graham said the two-day event had been prepared for many years, adding, “It was a great privilege and honour to be here at the invitation of the Lao Evangelical Church. They have prayed for this opportunity for many years. I especially thank the government for welcoming me and allowing this amazing opportunity for the Evangelical Church.”

As a result of this evangelical rally, more than 14,000 people listened to the gospel message and hundreds decided to put faith in the Lord. Pastor Graham said, “I thank God for allowing delivering the love of God to the people of Laos,” adding, “Praying for the leaders of the country, praising freely, and seeing so many people put faith and trust in Jesus Christ was a blessing.”

He also shared, “We love this country and rejoice with hundreds of people who have faith in Jesus Christ, the son of God. We render all glory to God.”

Marley and her two young daughters publicly confessed their faith on the same day. Marley said, “Many people talked to me about the gospel. That’s why I came here. Now, I’ve come to know Jesus Christ is God. Now I believe it.” Marley said she looks forward to telling her husband what she has heard. Her husband is not a believer and has decided to stay home and not attend events. (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper)

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

God, thank You for bringing countless people together to worship the Lord. Thank You for hundreds of people responding to the proclaimed Gospel confessing faith their faith and rendering glory to God in this communist country that persecutes Christianity. Pray the seeds of the gospel planted in their spirits to be deeply rooted and bear fruit. Pray that the church, the body of Christ, pray for this without ceasing for this land. Pray the government’s persecution against Christianity ceases in this land. Pray the confession of love that God so loved this land and gave His only begotten son be heard in the spirits of all souls. Pray this land may be saved.

Prayer 24·365

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