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[Burkina Faso] Withdraws from ECOWAS Amid Rising Concerns Over Christian Persecution

▲ 출처: 유튜브 채널 CGTN Africa 영상 캡처

“May He equip you with everything good to do His will and accomplish His purpose completely.”

Burkina Faso has officially withdrawn from the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and has joined forces with Mali and Niger to form the Alliance of Sahel States (ASS). On January 28, the three nations held a summit in Niamey, Niger’s capital, where they strongly criticized ECOWAS sanctions and announced plans to combat terrorism through independent security cooperation.

Since its founding in 1975, ECOWAS has worked to promote economic integration and political stability among 15 West African nations, upholding democracy and constitutional order as its core principles. However, following successive military takeovers in Mali, Burkina Faso, and Niger, ECOWAS imposed strict sanctions, viewing these power shifts as unconstitutional.

Burkina Faso has struggled with jihadist violence for over a decade, with militant groups expanding their influence. Particularly, Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM), an al-Qaeda-affiliated armed group based in Mali, continues to cross the northern border, launching violent attacks.

Todd Nettleton, head of Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) USA, raised alarm over the growing crisis, stating, “As jihadist forces expand southward, violence against Christians is also escalating.” With ECOWAS no longer playing an active role in counterterrorism, attacks on churches and Christian communities are expected to increase.

Burkina Faso has endured three military coups in the past two years, resulting in severe political instability. Nettleton explained that the lack of a stable government has made it difficult to effectively counter jihadist aggression, leaving tens of thousands of Christians displaced.

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 2.5 million people have already been displaced across the Sahel region, and in the past six months alone, an additional 3,500 people have lost their homes. The Church in Burkina Faso has stepped in to provide emergency food aid and shelter for refugees, with VOM also offering direct support. Amidst the crisis, a local Christian emphasized, “Our greatest need is prayer.”

Despite the increasing violence, some Muslims have begun to show interest in Christianity, shocked by the brutality of jihadist groups. Nettleton noted, “Many Muslims are now seeking to experience Christianity firsthand.”

Local believers are asking for prayer for Burkina Faso and West Africa  △ the robustness and hope for the churches in Burkina Faso, △ Muslims convert to Christianity, △ establishing a stable government, and △ survival and protection of refugees and displaced people. (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Edited)

Pray for us. We are sure that we have a clear conscience and desire to live honorably in every way. Equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.(Hebrews 13:18,21)

God, we lift up the churches of Burkina Faso as they face the growing threats of persecution and instability following the country’s withdrawal from ECOWAS. Lord, we ask for Your divine protection over Christians who are being targeted by militant groups seeking to expand their influence. May You swiftly establish a stable government in this land, and may believers around the world unite in prayer for its peace and restoration. Bless the churches that are serving refugees in this crisis, that their good works may be strengthened and completed in You. May the gospel spread abundantly—not only among the displaced but also within the Muslim communities seeking truth. Lord, let Your kingdom be firmly established in Burkina Faso, and may Your name be glorified in this nation. Amen.

Prayer 24·365

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