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[Costa Rica] 96% of the Population “Believe in God”… Evangelicals 33%

▲ 출처: 복음기도신문 사진 캡처

Views: 2

“Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, God of Jacob.”

According to the report Perception of the Costa Rican Population on Religious Values and Practices 2024, conducted by the Ecumenical School of Religious Sciences and the Institute of Social Studies in Population (Idespo) of the National University (UNA), almost all Costa Ricans (96%) say they believe in God or some deity or primary force. The survey confirms that the number of evangelical Christians in the country is approaching the number of Roman Catholics, though there remains a difference of about one million people.

The data shows that 73% of respondents were raised Catholic, while 23% grew up as evangelicals. As they grow older, the percentage of Catholics decreases while the number of evangelicals increases. Currently, 50% of the Costa Rican population (2.5 million) identify as Catholic, 33% (1.65 million) as evangelical, and 16% (800,000) as believers without a specific religion.

In terms of age distribution, most Catholics are 55 or older, whereas the highest percentage of evangelicals falls within the 18-24 age range. Non-religious believers are most represented in the 25-34 age group. One in three Catholics attends mass weekly, compared to nearly half of evangelicals who go to church every week. Additionally, 70% of the religious population contributes financially to their church through donations or tithes.

The study also found that 56% of respondents believe Costa Rica should be a secular state, while 79% support religious education for children and teenagers. When asked about social issues, Costa Ricans largely reject abortion, suicide, and prostitution, though they are more accepting of divorce and a woman’s decision not to have children. Seventy percent oppose abortion, with only 11% believing it should always be allowed. Eight in ten respondents reject suicide, while 61% are against prostitution, though 10% say it should always be permitted.(Source: Prayer24365 Edition)

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it. They will receive blessing from the Lord and vindication from God their Savior. Such is the generation of those who seek him, who seek your face, God of Jacob.(Psalm 24:1, 5-6, NIV)

God, in a world that often puts science and self above You, we thank You for giving the people of Costa Rica a heart that longs for You. Thank You for leading them to Jehovah, the true source of life. Lord, protect their faith and keep them from compromising with sin. Give them strength to walk in righteousness and obedience, so their lives may shine as a pure and faithful bride of Christ. May the faith of Your people continue to spread, bringing life and hope to others. Let Costa Rica recognize that the land and the world belong to You and receive righteousness from the God of salvation.

Prayer 24·365

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