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[Eng. Prayer] Afghanistan Taliban occupy Afghanistan for the second day… Set up checkpoints and start the reign of terror.

“You came near when I called you, and you said, “Do not fear.”

[Aug.17.2021] The British Guardian reported, “On the first day that the Taliban completely ruled Afghanistan, women disappeared from the streets as Taliban gangs seized police cars and patrolled it in the capital Kabul.”

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported that “fear and panic spread as Taliban gangs took over the streets of Kabul and searched government officials’ homes, offices, and media agencies.”

After seizing control of Kabul, the Taliban have set up checkpoints everywhere, have taken cars abandoned by Afghan police and Americans, and patrolled around wearing Taliban flags.

Taliban operatives in turbans check passersby’s cell phones for evidence of government work and “non-Islamic” data. The Taliban are said to have even invaded hotels and other places for ‘unannounced inspections.’

They invade houses as well. A female politician said Taliban gangs came into her house and allocated guards to stop her from leaving her home.

Although the leadership has not yet issued guidelines regarding the wearing of the burqa, the Guardian explained that on the same day, at a mosque in western Kabul, Taliban fighters forced women to wear the burqa and hijab.

Women’s fears are growing as news of the Taliban’s forcibly marrying women in occupied territories to gang members. “There are several reports that the Taliban are making lists of 12-45-year-old women to marry their members,” France 24 reported.

A reporter from ‘Free Europe Broadcasting,’ who remained in Kabul, wrote on Twitter, “The Afghan media is also being Talibanized. Most broadcasts do not play music. Female news reporters are not allowed in the broadcasting station since this morning.”

It is said that news and dramas have disappeared from Afghan broadcasting now, and only religious programs without advertisements are aired.

In shopping streets in Kabul, women model’s advertisement photos are peeled off and repainted over. Meanwhile, NGO groups in Afghanistan are fighting to rescue one more Afghan before the airport is completely closed.

Some wealthy people are also trying to send privately owned jets to Kabul Airport for rescue missions. In addition, some countries, such as Albania, are actively offering to accept Afghans without a visa.

In this regard, some U.S. politicians have called for the need for U.S. forces to exercise control of Kabul airport to help more people escape from the country.

It is heartbreaking to watch the desperate Afghan people trying to get on the already crowded airplane to escape from the Taliban regime.

Defense One, a U.S. military media outlet, obtained and reported photos of the interior of the U.S. Air Force C-17 Globemaster transport aircraft at Hamid Karzai International Airport in Kabul. Later, it confirmed the number of passengers on board was 640 (Source: Yonhap News).

What I see brings grief to my soul because of all the women of my city. You came near when I called you, and you said, “Do not fear.” You, Lord, took up my case; you redeemed my life. (Lamentation 3:51,57-58)

God, please rescue the Afghans as we hear the news of Taliban occupied Afgan, where the Taliban gangs conduct arrests, searches, and assaults. Women are in great fear, and the airport is crowded with desperate people trying to escape the reckless rulership of the Taliban. May the believers in Afghan and the churches of the world cry out to You, the mighty rescuer. May You be near them and rescue them from this fearful situation. May Your gospel be known to them, and the many people will escape to You, the eternal refuge and fortress.

Prayer 24·365

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