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[Eng. Prayer] Prayer for Afghanistan…Onnuri Church launches 40 –days Intercessory Prayer campaign

“They come to you in their distress and eagerly pray to the Lord.”

[Aug.23. 2021]Prayers for Afghanistan are rising all around the world as the Taliban that took over Afghanistan is intensively attacking Christians by killing them even just for having Bible App on their mobile phone.

Prayer movements are urgently starting at home and abroad as the Taliban tyranny that does not have any concern kill people, destroy property and oppress human rights insisting on the principles of extremist Islam, is expected to be the extent to the level of genocide (extermination of the race) against Christians just three months after the withdrawal of the U. S. forces.

Pastor Franklin Graham issued a call to prayer on Aug 21st (local time) for the people of Afghanistan and Americans trying to flee the country, which has fallen into the control of the Taliban in the wake of the U.S. military exit, reported by CBN news.

A video clip of Pastor Robby Dawkins, a writer for Charisma Magazine has been spread to many Christians in Korea. He says, “Afghanistan desperately needs the help of western countries such as the U. S. Britain, and NATO, and it is very unfortunate that the U.S forces withdrew over them. Please pray earnestly for the underground church in Afghanistan and the country.”

In addition, Onnuri Church (Pastor, Jae Hoon Lee), which has sent hundreds of missionaries around the world, has started a prayer campaign since August 20th through ’40 Days of Intercession for Afghanistan’ videos.

Pastor Lee of Onnuri church said on the church’s website, “The news of Afghanistan that is reported every day is truly terrifying. This catastrophe shows how the spirits of evil in this age can take hold of a nation and its people and oppose the kingdom of God.”

He also added, “Afghanistan in this situation should be the number one prayer point for Christians around the world.”
“Prayer is still needed for countries affected by natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods around the world, but what is happening in Afghanistan is different. It is because that the terrible things that the Taliban is doing are not just a coup d’état, but a very systematic and organized crime against Muslim women and children who are socially disadvantaged.”

Pastor Lee said, “We know that many of the wars in the Old Testament were won fully through the work of God, and the prayer of faith is the channel through which victory comes from God. When Christians around the world pray together for the restoration of Afghanistan, we will see God working in that land.“ The daily prayer information provided by Onnuri church helps people to pray together: each missionary explains the situation in Afghanistan and offers prayer points along with the Word(Source:GospelPrayerNews).

Lord, they came to you in their distress; when you disciplined them, they could barely whisper a prayer. As a pregnant woman about to give birth writhes and cries out in her pain, so were we in your presence, Lord. (Isaiah 26:16-17)

Father God, we thank You for mobilizing churches in Korea and all nations pray for Afghanistan, which has been occupied by the Taliban and is experiencing dreadful suffering. Please hear the prayers of the church crying out in sorrow and deliver the people of Afghanistan from death and do not let the preaching of the gospel stop in this land. May You stop the Taliban from killing and violence, and save the Muslim souls of Afghanistan and the world from the lies and evils of extremist Islam.

Prayer 24·365

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