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[Eng. Prayer]“South Sudan, Faces Worst Humanitarian Crisis ever in 10 years of Independence”

▲ Sources:

“I sought the LORD, he delivered me from all my fears”

[Aug.30. 2021]Two Catholic nuns have been killed by armed men in South Sudan, one of the notorious criminal-ridden countries in the world. The U.S Christian Post reported that these nuns, who were members of the sisters of the Sacred Heart in the Juba Archdiocese, were attacked on a highway. They were on their way to Juba after attending a celebration for the 100th anniversary of the Parish in the Eastern Diocese of Torit.

The deceased Mary Daniel Abud was headteacher at the Usratuna School in Juba and Regina Roba was a tutor at the Catholic Health Training Institute in Wau Diocese.

The Catholic News Asia (UCN) reported that the gunmen, who have not been identified, chased the nuns to the bushes where they were hiding, and first shot Abud who was lying down, and then shot Roba as she ran away. Along with them, a man driving a motorcycle taxi and another man were also killed in an accident while fleeing the attack.

A believer in South Sudan said through Mission news Network, “Islam was invading South Sudan. They are saying South Sudan is a strategic place and that it will be the gate to Africa so that Islam can go to all of Africa.”

“Islamic leaders are mobilizing money from different Islamic countries and they are sending them to South Sudan,” the source said.

When South Sudan became an independent nation in 2011, many Christians fled to South Sudan from the persecution of Islam. Until recently, South Sudan had seen improvements in its religious and political atmosphere. However, in a recent report, CARE International said that South Sudan, alongside Afghanistan, is one of the deadliest places to be an aid worker.

“Ten years on from independence, South Sudan is facing its worst humanitarian crisis ever,” Rosalind Crowther, CARE South Sudan Country director, said. “At the same time, the safety and security of aid workers have seen a concerning deterioration. Crowther said, “There was an alarming increase in aid workers attacked and killed, and aid supplies stolen in 2020, which has continued into 2021. A failure to ensure that humanitarians are protected will lead to unavoidable suspension or disruption of lifesaving operations in critically affected areas. (Source: Christian Today Edited)

I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. (Psalms 34:4-5)

God, deliver South Sudan from fear, which has been an independent country for 10 years but is now facing a humanitarian crisis due to the increasing Islamic power. Please comfort the bereaved families of those killed by armed men, and let the believers, who have fled to South Sudan from the persecution of Islam, pray for their country with hope in the Lord. Lord, I pray You to prevent South Sudan from becoming an advancing base for Islamic power into Africa and to protect aid workers so that through their service Your grace and comfort may flow in this land.

Prayer 24·365

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