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[Eng. Prayer] Venezuelan baby killed in mother’s arms as Coast Guards fired at migrant boat

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 CNC3Television1 영상 캡처

“Love your neighbor as yourself.“

[Feb.10.2022] Trinidad Tobago Coast Guard officers fired at a boat carrying Venezuelan migrants, wounding a mother, and killing the baby in her arms, authorities said.

The fatal shooting took place on the 5th of February as officers tried to stop a boat crossing the Venezuelan border into Trinidad and Tobago, in what the island nation’s officials described as an act of self-defence, according to a Coast Guard statement released on the 6th February.

The Coast Guard crew tried to intercept the boat using its horn, searchlight, and flares, followed by warning gunshots, according to the statement. However, the boat continued forward with “aggressive” moves, attempting to ram into a Coast Guard vessel.

Only after the ship stopped did the Coast Guard realize there were migrants “hidden” on board. A woman was bleeding, and her baby was found unresponsive, according to the statement.

“The Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard extends sincerest condolences to the family and loved ones of the infant and takes the opportunity to wish the injured female a speedy recovery,” the statement read.

The prime minister of Trinidad and Tobago, Keith Rowley also said in a statement, “On behalf of the people of Trinidad, I express my deepest condolences for the tragic death of the baby.” Rowley said he had spoken with Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodriguez about the incident.

Some 6 million Venezuelans have fled the country in recent years to escape from the country’s continuing economic crisis, political and social chaos.

Trinidad and Tobago has become a destination for roughly 40,000 migrants.

According to the AFP news agency, from the Delta Amakuro coast in eastern Venezuela, every night 6 to 10 boats carrying migrants depart for Trinidad, 100km away.

Since 2018, over 100 Venezuelans have died while attempting to make the crossing.

Juan Guaidó, who is recognised by the US, Britain, and dozens of others, as Venezuela’s rightful leader, tweeted that the “unjustified” killing “hurts our soul as a country”(Source: Yonhap News).

The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.(Mark 12:31)

God, may Your mercy be upon the painful life of the Venezuelan refugees who risk their lives while smuggling to escape the chaotic state of the country. May You comfort the mother who has lost her child. We pray that the news of this incident will resonate with the hearts of both Trinidad and Tobago and Venezuela, that this incident becomes an opportunity to spread the Gospel. May You bestow the Trinidad and Tobago government a heart of compassion towards its neighbouring nation. May You raise up the churches in Trinidad and Tobago to look after the refugees with Your love and compassion, and to preach the gospel of hope to them.

Prayer 24·365

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