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[Eng. Prayer] The Solomon Islands expressed displeasure over concerns of neighboring countries over ‘a security treaty with China.

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Blessed are the people who are rescued from the hands of foreigners.”

[Mar.31.2022] The South Pacific island nation of the Solomon Islands expressed displeasure over concerns by neighboring countries about pursuing a security deal with China.

On the 29th (local time) AFP and Reuter reported that Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare said in a defiant address to parliament that they were offended at Australia and New Zealand’s concerns that a security agreement with China could destabilize the South Pacific region.

He said that it was “very insulting to be branded as unfit to manage our sovereign affairs” by other nations and condemned those who had leaked the draft agreement with China as “lunatics and agents of foreign regimes”.

He dismissed reports in the Australian media that his country was being “pressured by the People’s Republic of China to build a military base in the Solomon Islands”. He criticized the West for considering the Pacific islands as “the backyard of the West.”

The Solomon Islands is a small island country with an area of 28,400 ㎦ in the eastern part of Papua New Guinea and in 2019, broke up with Taiwan and established diplomatic relations with China.

A draft security agreement with China, which is being pursued by the Solomon Islands, was leaked online last week, causing a backlash from neighboring countries. The draft document leaked last week specifically provided a framework for Chinese forces to come to the Solomon Islands to “protect the safety of Chinese personnel and major projects” as well as “preserve social order”.

While the West, including the United States, is working hard to block China’s advance into the Pacific Ocean, if this agreement is signed, China will secure the basis and justification for naval operations in the South Pacific and one step closer to the goal of building an ocean naval force.

Prime Minister Sogavare admitted that an agreement was reached with China, without revealing the details of the agreement. The two countries have not yet formally signed the agreement.

He said the security treaty with Australia would remain in place. For our security, it is clear that we need to diversify our relations with other countries. What’s wrong with that?” he questioned.

Australia insisted that a Chinese naval base could be built within 2,000 km of its northeast coast if the agreement is signed, while New Zealand was concerned that it could militarize the Pacific region.

In the Solomon Islands, domestic conflicts over pro-China diplomatic connections have continued since the establishment of diplomatic ties with China. In November of last year, anti-government protests took place in various parts of the Solomon Islands, and some analysts say that accumulated dissatisfaction with Prime Minister Sogavare, who decided to cut ties with Taiwan, had an effect.

The Solomon Islands is a Christian country with 95% of the population Christian and 31% evangelical. It is also one of the poorest of the South Pacific island countries. In 2019, it stopped diplomatic ties with Taiwan and established diplomatic ties with China. However, the province of Malaita, which is heavily influenced by Australia and other countries, opposes severing ties with Taiwan and has expressed its intention to become independent from the Solomon Islands(source: Yonhap News, Prayer 24·365 Headquarters Comprehensive).

Deliver me; rescue me from the hands of foreigners whose mouths are full of lies, whose right hands are deceitful. Our oxen will draw heavy loads. There will be no breaching of walls, no going into captivity, no cry of distress in our streets. Blessed is the people of whom this is true; blessed is the people whose God is the Lord.(Psalms 144:11. 14-15)

God, may You intervene in the intention of Solomon Island as the country is pursuing a security deal with China and creating unnecessary tension. May Your churches in the Solomon Island pray for the leaders of the country that they will promote a peaceful relationship with the neighboring nations as the country is experiencing conflict and protest against its foreign policies. May the leaders of Solomon Island honor and trust You rather than depend on other powerful nations. Lord, we pray that the nation will experience salvation and protection under Your sovereign power.

Prayer 24·365

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