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[Eng. Prayer] Saudi Arabia to ease restrictions even to foreigners and allow 1 million hajj pilgrims

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“The righteousness that comes from God based on faith in Christ.”

[Apr.14.2022] Saudi Arabia said it will permit one million Muslims from inside and outside the country to participate in this year’s Hajj, a sharp uptick after pandemic restrictions forced two years of drastically pared-down pilgrimages.

According to Saudi state-run SPA and Al Arabiya broadcast on the 9th (local time), the Hajj ministry “has authorized one million pilgrims, both foreign and domestic, to perform the Hajj this year,” it said in a statement.

The Hajj must be undertaken by all Muslims with the means at least once in their lives. Most Muslims make Hajji their “lifetime wish” and save up the cost of participating in Hajji for a long time.

Before the coronavirus pandemic, one of the world’s largest religious gatherings, about 2.5 million people came to Medina and Mecca in 2019. But after the onset of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, Saudi authorities allowed only 1,000 pilgrims to participate. The following year, they upped the total to 60,000.

Because of this, many Muslims felt frustrated that they could not make a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Some Muslims have been caught by authorities sneaking into Mecca and Medina mosques.

Even the pilgrims from overseas may participate in this year’s Hajj but will be limited to vaccinated pilgrims under age 65. Those coming from outside Saudi Arabia will be required to submit a negative Covid-19 PCR result from a test taken within 72 hours of travel.

The Hajj, which visits Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia, is one of the five obligations of Muslims along with prayers five times a day and fasting during Ramadan. Before the pandemic, Muslim pilgrimages were key revenue sources for the kingdom, bringing in some $12 billion annually(Source: Yonhap News).

And be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ—the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith. I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead.(Philippians 3:9-11)

God, please reveal the way of salvation to Muslims around the world who will be visiting Mecca and Medina for this year’s pilgrimage. May You show the Muslims the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ, not through laws and works. May the Muslims who fear judgment and are captivated by the duties of their religion receive freedom and a new life, by participating in the death and resurrection of Jesus by faith.

Prayer 24·365

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