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[Eng. Prayer] At least 168 dead in an armed conflict between tribes in Sudan’s Darfur region.

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Do not seek revenge, but love your neighbor as yourself.”

[Apr.28.2022] At least 168 people were killed in an armed conflict between tribes in western Sudan’s Darfur region on the 24th(local time), AFP and AP reported, citing local aid groups.

Adam Rigal, a spokesman for the Sudanese aid group “Universal Coordination for Darfur Refugees and Refugees,” said “at least 168 people were killed and 98 injured on the 24th in an area about 80 kilometers away from El-Geneena, the capital of West Darfur.” And that “There is a possibility that the death toll will increase further.”

The clashes began when Arab tribesmen attacked villages of minority non-Arab tribes in retaliation for the killing of two people on the 21st, Regal said. In the process, at least eight people were killed on the 22nd. On the 24th, a large number of people armed with heavy weapons launched a major attack on Kreinik, torching and looting properties, Regal said.

Regal criticized Janjaweed militias from Arab nomads for organizing the attack, saying clashes between the two sides lasted for hours and thousands had to leave their homes and evacuate.

A local doctor told The Associated Press that some militants chased him to El-Geneena’s hospital and attacked the wounded. U.N. envoy to Sudan Volker Fertes called for an investigation and punishment of those responsible, saying the forces that led the attack “heinously killed civilians and attacked health facilities.”

Since 2003, a prolonged civil war has been fought between ethnic minority rebels and the Sudanese government-backed Janjawid militia in Darfur, killing 300,000 people and causing 2.5 million refugees. The Janjawid militia was notorious for killing, sexual assault, looting, and arson in the process.

Disputes have subsided somewhat in recent years, but tribal conflicts over water and grasslands are showing signs of intensifying again in the wake of a military coup in October last year that was caused by a military coup in October last year.

The end of the UNAMID (United Nations-African Union Mission), a peacekeeping force in Darfur, at the end of 2020 is also cited as the background for the recent increase in disputes.

This is one of the most serious cases of violence in recent years, AP said. At least 88 people died in December last year in the area where the conflict occurred. The International Red Cross has called for ensuring that the injured are safely transported to hospitals(Source: Yonhap News).

“Do not hate a fellow Israelite in your heart. Rebuke your neighbor frankly so you will not share in their guilt. Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the Lord.“(Leviticus 19:17-18)

God, may Your justice be established in Sudan where tribal armed conflicts cause constant casualties. May You destroy Satan’s evil scheme that kills and destroys countless lives in the name of retaliation. May the people in Sudan know that the avenge belongs to You, thus subdue themselves under Your sovereignty. Pray for Your grace for the janjaweed militias that they may hear the gospel and be transformed by Your love. Lord, may they love You and love their neighbours as themselves.

Prayer 24·365

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