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[Eng. Prayer] U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade ruling

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Let us lift up our hearts and return to God”

[May.04.2022] The U.S. Supreme Court is going to overturn the Roe v Wade ruling that guaranteed women’s right to abortion, Politico reported on the 2nd (local time), based on the initial draft of majority opinions written by Justice Samuel Alito that circulated inside the court and was obtained by Politico.

In the United States, women’s right to abortion was established by a 1973 Supreme Court decision called “Rae v. Wade”. The ruling was considered a monumental milestone in guaranteeing women’s right to abortion by allowing abortion before 24 weeks of pregnancy in view that the fetus can survive outside of womb.

The U.S. Supreme Court later reconfirmed this ruling through the Casey case in 1992, but the U.S. Supreme Court, which changed the composition of judges to a conservative advantage during the former President Donald Trump’s administration, revised the Mississippi law that narrowed the standard for abortion to 15 weeks of pregnancy. During the hearing from last year, the prospect of overturning the judgment has been raised.

In the draft obtained by Politico, Justice Alito said: “Roe (Roe v. Wade) was absurdly wrong from the start. The logic was very weak and the ruling has had damaging consequences. Far from reaching a national consensus on abortion, it has fueled debate and deepened divisions,” he wrote.

“We have concluded that the Roe and Casey rulings should be overturned. There is no mention of abortion in the Constitution, and no constitutional provision explicitly protects the right to abortion.”

Politico said four other Republican-appointed Supreme Court justices shared the same opinion with Alito at a Supreme Court meeting after a dispute on Mississippi law last December, and there has been no change yet.

Three justices appointed by the Democratic government are drafting a minority opinion, and it’s unclear how Chief Justice John Roberts will decide. If the U.S. Supreme Court overturns the constitutional protection of the right to abortion with the ruling, each state will decide whether or not to allow abortion.

The New York Times (NYT) predicted that half of the 50 states in the United States could ban abortion.
However, Politico said the Supreme Court’s ruling is expected to be published within two months and is not final until then.

Politico predicted that the opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States has never been disclosed while the case is under review in modern times and that the leak will lead to more debate on controversial issues.

In the United States, women’s right to abortion is a very sensitive issue, seen as a measure of ideological orientation. In fact, according to Reuters on the 3rd, after the report on Politico, hundreds of outraged abortion rights advocates gathered in front of the Supreme Court to protest, urging the Democratic Party to take countermeasures(source: Yonhap News).

Let us lift up our hearts and our hands to God in heaven, and say: “We have sinned and rebelled and you have not forgiven.”(Lamentations 3:41-42)

God, thank You for allowing the U.S. Supreme Court to move to protect lives and overturn the Roe v. Wade ruling that has guaranteed America’s right to abortion. Bless this land, built on a heritage of faith, so that the people will examine their actions and return to You, the Lord of life. There is still a process to go through until the final decision, but may You uphold the case in Your hands to the end. And through the earnest prayer of the church, let America become a nation that fears You and values life again.

Prayer 24·365

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