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[Eng. Prayer] Two Chinese beheaded by ISIS While Sharing the Gospel in Pakistan remembered as Martyrs

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Those who lead many to righteousness will shine for ever and ever.”

[Jul.02.2022] On Christian Martyrs Day, a commemoration of two Chinese young believers was held. Every year, June 29 is the day commemorating the martyrdom of the Apostle Paul, and Christians around the world commemorate those who sacrificed their lives to spread the gospel.

On June 29, the Voice of the Martyrs Korea (VOM Korea) commemorated the faithful witness of two Chinese martyrs, Li Xinheng and Meng Lisi in the organization’s office. The plaques commemorating two Chinese Christians were added to that of martyrs’ who went ahead of them.

Rev. Eric Foley, co-representative of Voice of the Korean Martyrs, said, “Meng Lisi and Li Xinheng are the first known martyrs from China to die in a foreign land. It is an honor to have the plaques of these two martyrs affixed this year.”

Meng and Li were teaching Pakistani children with the love of Christ at a language centre in Quetta prior to being forced into a car at gunpoint when they were walking down the street in May 2017. Two weeks later, Islamic State released video footage showing their execution by throat slitting.

”Even at the last moment of execution, they were not begging or crying or shouting for their lives. Until their last breath they showed the dignity and maturity of disciplined servants of God,” said Rev Eric Foley.

Five years have passed since then, but the story of the two is not well known. At the time, the Pakistani and Chinese governments wanted to cover it up. And the Chinese government spread propaganda in China that called the two martyrs a disgrace to the nation.

According to Pastor Foley, the story of Meng and Li is not well known to Christians due to international political tensions. The governments of China and Pakistan wanted to distort or hide their story because they worried that their international economic partnership would be undermined.

“They are faithful witnesses of Christ who were willing to lay down their lives even though they were fully aware of the dangers before they went to Pakistan. I hope Christians around the world remember and celebrate the story of these two martyrs,” he said(Source: Daily Good News).

Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever. (Daniel 12:3)

Dear God, through the faith of these two young Chinese Christians who kept their faith in Jesus Christ even in the face of death, let many lost souls in all nations return to the right path. The truth of their death has been distorted and buried for the international interests and to preserve ideology but let the churches pray more than before in anticipation of what God will bring forth. We pray that many missionaries will rise from China to serve countries and souls in need of the gospel and to lighten the world that is in darkness with the wisdom of Jesus Christ.

Prayer 24·365

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