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[Eng. Prayer] Thailand turns into a hemp industry hub and aims to generate 1 trillion won in profits within 5 years

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Ill-gotten treasures have no lasting value, but righteousness delivers from death.”

[Jul.14.2022] The Thai government announced plans to turn Thailand into a regional manufacturing hub for hemp products over the next five years, intending to generate at least 1 trillion won in revenue. After implementing measures to legalise cannabis, such as allowing domestic cultivation of it from this month, the government has started to promote the cannabis-based industry in earnest.

According to the Bangkok Post on the 11th, the Thai government wants to generate at least 25 billion baht (about 900 billion won) within five years by establishing itself as a production hub for hemp products in the region.

He added that increasing the commercial value through various products using hemp can help growers and create more jobs. The authorities also developed a plan to develop the marijuana industry, which includes promoting research and development, protecting intellectual property rights, supporting small and medium-sized enterprises, supporting logistics and marketing of local products, and improving laws and regulations.

In the past, hemp was processed mainly into fabric and paper. However, hemp products have now been made available for sale globally, including medical and food products, beverages, animal feed, cosmetics, textiles, construction materials, and materials used in certain industries, such as the modern auto and aviation.

Suriya added that the move is in line with the industry’s expansion, fueled by the relaxation of legal restrictions on commercial hemp in the United States, Canada, Australia, the European Union, China, Japan, and South Korea.

The production, sale, and smoking of cannabis are strictly prohibited in Korea. However, medical cannabis production is permitted due to the revision of the Narcotics Control Act in 2018.

Last year, the value of the global hemp industry stood at 142 billion baht with 22.4% growth compared to the year before. that year. By 2027, the value is projected to reach 558 billion baht. (Source: Yunap News)

Ill-gotten treasures have no lasting value, but righteousness delivers from death. The Lord does not let the righteous go hungry, but he thwarts the craving of the wicked. (Proverbs10:2-3)

God, may Your mercy be upon Thailand. We pray that You dispel the evil desires of the government, misleading the country to become a ‘hemp industry hub’ to gain unjust riches despite knowing that it is harmful. Destroy Satan’s evil schemes of stealing souls by instigating greed for money, and save this nation from its self-destructive sin. May You raise the churches in Thailand to share the gospel of the Cross, that the people will inherit eternal life and Heaven by believing in Jesus.

Prayer 24·365

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