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[Eng. Prayer]Forty million modern-day slaves around the world… 50,000 people rescued through the efforts of International Organisations and Christians

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son.”

[Aug.04.2022] While the number of modern-day slaves suffering from prostitution and forced labor around the world is estimated at around 40 million, more than 50,000 are currently rescued through the services of international organizations and Christians.

IJM (CEO: Gary Haugen. International Justice Mission) is an organisation dedicated to resolving the slave issue and Christa Hayden Sharp, IJM Asia Pacific Representative, visited South Korea to commemorate the UN’s Day Against Human Trafficking on July 30th. said that the meaning of ‘rescue’ is not limited to simply “taking the victims out”, and is also looking into reforms in the nations.

“IJM is an organisation founded by lawyers, so we focus on reforming the laws and social institutions. The meaning of rescue is to rescue people who cannot ask for help from anyone else, and to create a legal system to create the virtuous cycle.”

He cited Cambodia as an example that broke the old bad cycles and achieved the ‘virtuous cycle.’
He said, ” One small town that is not a tourist destination, but 4,000 foreign men visited the town every month. Prostitution took place there,” he said. “In this village, 30% of prostitutes were under the age of 12.” But now, the number of victims of prostitution has fallen sharply to less than 0.5%.

Sharp said he did not know where to start when he first visited Cambodia 20 years ago so he provided training for police officers that were corrupt. Currently, his influence has grown to the extent that officers cannot be promoted to high-ranking officials without completing the IJM curriculum in Cambodia.

IJM is an international organisation established in 1997 to solve the ‘slave problem’ perpetrated in today’s global village. It operates 24 offices in 14 countries around the world, and 1,200 people are working to rescue victims of human trafficking and forced labor, rescue victims, and strengthen the local justice system. As of 2021, it has rescued 10,000 victims worldwide.

The IJM estimates that the slave industry through human trafficking is worth $150 billion a year, noting that a quarter of the victims are children. As in the past, the slave industry targets the poor and the vulnerable. In India, the entire family, including a toddler, is forced to work up to 20 hours a day in brick kilns and rice mills.

For safety’s sake, IJM encourages local governments to solve problems on their own or utilize human networks centered on churches. However, since they can not exercise their jurisdiction, they are often involved in violence in the process of friction, and in some cases, activists are kidnapped and killed.

CEO Sharp said, “I need your prayers.” As long as the gospel is alive, there is still hope and courage in the church.” “I hope you will join us in lighting up the world in these difficult times.” IJM opened an office in Korea two years ago and is paying attention to human trafficking and forced labor in neighboring countries surrounding the Korean Peninsula. (source: Gospel Prayer News Synthesis)

He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. (Colossians 1:13-14)

God, thank You for saving people suffering from prostitution and forced labour around the world through the international organisation IJM, and for bringing corrupt countries to justice. May You speak to the consciences of those who enslave even children for their covetousness to turn from their sins. May the churches raise their voice on these issues, and cooperate and pray together for the protection of the poor and vulnerable. And may Your salvation grace that has delivered us from the power of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of Love reach the victims.

Prayer 24·365

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