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[Eng. Prayer] Report on the Teenage Mission Conference…7,323 U.S. Children Decided to Follow Jesus Christ

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“With a clean heart, follow righteousness, faith, love, and peace.”

[Nov.23.2022] The teenage mission organization, Youth For Christ (YFC) reported that 7,323 teenagers and children have devoted their lives to Christ, twice as many this year as in 2021.

YFC Chairman and CEO Jake Bland said, “It is clear that the Spirit of God is moving through leaders everywhere in the country and that the gospel is more necessary and essential than ever.” The YFC has been involved in youth volunteer work for 78 years and is a Christian movement with more than 130 branches across the United States, CBN said.

“Our goal is to walk with young people, from holding rallies with Billy Graham in the ’40s to going into campus to reach students in the ’60s and now empowering community leaders to build meaningful relationships with young people around the world,” YFC explained.

The World Health Organization (WHO) reported that one in seven teenagers aged 10-19 experience mental disorders worldwide, and suicide is the fourth cause of death between the ages of 15 and 29.

Chairman Bland said, “A third of young people report that there are no adults they can trust and respect in their lives, and more than 50% of teenagers are not connected to churches,” explaining why organizations like YFC are needed.

He said, “YFC knows that all the anxiety and fear in today’s society stems from a deep longing for identity, the purpose of life, and a sense of belonging. This can only be found in the relationship with Jesus Christ and the rich and eternal life he gives. That’s why YFC exists.” (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper)

Those who cleanse themselves from the latter will be instruments for special purposes, made holy, useful to the Master and prepared to do any good work. Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. (2 Timothy 2:21-22)

God, thank You for raising a generation of faith that follows the Lord by deciding to dedicate their lives to Jesus Christ in America. May You destroy Satan’s scheme of robbing young souls with depression and suicide in the worldly trend of loving sin and darkness, and help the next generation know the Lord more closely. Through the service of the precious mission organizations, pray that American teenagers grow up as people who live out the gospel and follow righteousness and role-model adults of faith who call the Lord with a clean heart are around the young people.

Prayer 24·365

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