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[Eng. Prayer] Child marriage is on the rise worldwide, but efforts to eradicate it are insignificant

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Come quickly to help me, O Lord my Savior.”

[Nov.29.2022] Although the child marriage rate has increased worldwide since COVID-19, efforts to eradicate it are insufficient. International relief and development NGO World Vision (Chairman Cho Myung-hwan) revealed that only 0.15% of official development assistance (ODA) from donor countries around the world is being used to eradicate sexual violence against children, including child marriage.

World Vision published a report on child marriage, Girls in Crisis, to commemorate the UN’s designation of the 18th of November as the International Day for the Prevention of Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children.

Despite the international community’s analysis that child marriage will surge due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the report is concerned about a decrease in support from donor countries to eradicate child sexual violence and child marriage.

The report found that in 2020 when the pandemic hit, donor countries around the world reduced their support in combating child marriage, and that budget was spent on COVID-19 response.
In 2020, just 0.07% of official development assistance went to fighting child marriage, but a new analysis of World Vision’s field-level data shows a 163% increase in child marriages in the first 18 months of the pandemic.

Andrew Morley, World Vision International President & CEO, said: “We must protect children from being abused and child marriage is child abuse. We must act now to stop child marriage and other forms of sexual violence against children”.

The report by World Vision highlights the increases in child marriage and sexual violence against children during the pandemic and lists the donor countries ranked high in contributing to ODA to eradicate child sexual abuse as well as the recipient countries.

In addition, it recommended donor countries and international financial organizations around the world to expand the amount of support to eradicate child early marriage and sexual violence. In particular, it urged to prioritize the eradication of child sexual violence in conflict-prone areas and to introduce standardized ODA classification standards for accurate identification and monitoring of the scale of support.

Mr. Morley concluded, “Sexual violence against children is a global atrocity, robbing children of their God-given potential. With the right resources, mobilization of people, and political will, we can work together to protect children from sexual violence – empowering them to reach their true potential in life.” (Source: Daily Good News).

O LORD, do not forsake me; be not far from me, O my God. Come quickly to help me, O Lord my Savior. (Psalms 38:21-22)

God, may You scold the older generation for neglecting the terrible reality of child marriage and remind the donor country of the need again and end this exploitation. I pray that the name of the Lord, who is not far from them but coming to them quickly be known to the children who are in crisis without any protection from their parents. May the churches of each country pray for the eradication of child marriage, visit the children and serve them with the love of God to restore their bodies and minds.

Prayer 24·365

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