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[Eng. Prayer]Samaritan Purse Korea, ‘Childrens Heart Project’ for Mongolian children

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“Love each other as I have loved you.”

[Jan.31.2023] The Children’s Heart Project, which provides support for heart surgery and treatment for children with congenital heart disease and provides opportunities to hear the gospel, will be held for the first time in Korea this year through Samaritan Purse Korea.

In this project, two Mongolian children who need heart surgery will have opportunities to have surgeries, spiritual and physical care, and hear the gospel. Two Mongolian child patients, two guardians, and one interpreter will visit Korea on February 2nd.

The Children’s Heart Project, which started in 1997, is a four-week medical ministry that invites overseas children with congenital heart disease, provides free heart surgery, and shares the gospel through churches and caregivers.

Currently, heart surgeries have been provided to 1,400 children from Bosnia, Kosovo, Honduras, Uganda, Mongolia, and Bolivia. Churches and caring families provide spiritual & physical care to the visitors and share the gospel with them.

Children arrive in Korea on February 2nd and will be immediately transferred to a partner hospital and undergo surgery. After the surgery, the children will have two weeks of recovery period at the mission house of Juan Presbyterian Church (Pastor Seungjoong Joo), with the caregivers of Juan Church.

During this period, both children and their guardians have the opportunity to hear the gospel through carers and church volunteers. Juan Presbyterian Church has a Mongolian service, so it will be an opportunity for the children and their guardians to experience the love of Jesus at the service.

Samaritan Purse has been providing heart surgery to children through the Children’s Heart Project for 25 years. They have helped more than 1,400 children to have a new life with healthy hearts and the gospel. Samaritan Purse will focus on continuous fundraising and sponsorship activities to meet the needs of children and lead them to Jesus.

Samaritan Purse is an international Christian relief organization that has been providing spiritual and material help to people in need around the world for the past 50 years. Since 1970, it has been helping those who suffered from war, poverty, natural disasters, disease, and famine, and spreading God’s love through Jesus Christ. (Source: Christian Today Comprehensive)

I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. (John 15:11-13)

God, thank You for spreading Your love to the souls of Mongolia through the project of Samaritan Purse Korea, which supports the surgery and treatment of children with heart disease. May You grace the children to have healthy hearts through the operation, and may these be great opportunities for them to inherit eternal life through accepting the gospel messages. May Your church and the helpers be filled with Your love so that they will continue to be the channels of Your blessings and bring salvation to Mongolia and the souls they serve.

Prayer 24·365

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