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[Eng. Prayer] From the long civil war to the earthquake… The Syrian Churches act as ‘Shelters’

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“God is our strength, an ever-present help in trouble”

[Feb.15.2023] Syria, which has suffered from civil war for more than 10 years, is experiencing a humanitarian crisis from the strong earthquake that occurred on the 6th (local time). In the north-western part of Syria, the rebel army-occupied region, where relief was not reached, relief supplies is arriving since the 9th, but it is far from sufficient. Churches in the affected areas were also directly hit hard.

Missionary A, who used to serve in Syria, but moved to Lebanon’s border area with Syria since the civil war broke out in 2011, told Kukmin Ilbo on the 12th about the desperate situation in Syria.

Missionary A said, “the damage in Syria is much worse than reported by the media.” “The places that suffered great damage from this earthquake are Aleppo, Lattakia, Hama, and Idleb, which are the northwest regions of Syria.” “There are local churches and faith communities in these areas, but they have not been functioning. More relief efforts are needed.”

According to missionary A, churches and Christian NGOs in Syria are known to be conducting relief activities in affected areas. Missionary A said, “Currently, it is not possible to transfer money to Syria, so the emergency fund that has been set apart for a time like this has been sent through the missionaries going into Syria.”

Relief activities are also continued by churches in Syria and Turkey. The Korea Open Door Mission announced on the 12th that the “Centre of Hope” established in a local church to help the victims of the war in Syria over the past seven years is serving as a shelter for earthquake-affected people.

“People looking for a safe place stay in the church and receive food and supplies,” the Open Door spokesperson said. “In particular, three churches in Lattakia provide shelters. They are known to accommodate as few as 15 to 2,000 refugees.”

“The Open Door Mission supports the relief efforts of local churches. They were able to respond relatively quickly because the ‘Centre of Hope’ has been operating normally,” he explained.

They also support local churches in Turkiye and provide shelters for refugees. “Local churches are caring for refugees by providing them with food,” the mission said. “We are trying to provide them with heater, blankets and sleeping bags that they need locally.”

“Treatment of emotions of refugees is also being requested,“ the spokesperson said, “the refugees are fearful of the continuing aftershocks,” and “we have noticed that there are great needs for trauma treatment for the people. We will work closely with local churches on this matter,” he added (source: Kukmin Daily).

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake with their surging. ( Psalms 46:1-3)

God, thank You for allowing the churches to open their doors and become the hands and feet of the Lord and participate in relief efforts in Syria, where the humanitarian crisis has escalated due to the strong earthquake on top of the pain of civil war. May the aid for those who have been greatly hurt but not being helped be reached, and let the church respond to their needs and act in Christ’s love. May the people of this land encounter the LORD, who is an ever-present help, so that they may be healed from their pain, and rise again boldly with hope in You.

Prayer 24·365

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