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[Eng. Prayer] Kansas City, the Largest City in Missouri, US, Declares Itself an LGBTQ Sanctuary City

▲ 출처: 영상 캡처

“Will save them from the way of error and death.”

[May.15.2023] In US, self-declared LGBTQ+ sanctuary cities are increased to 4. According to the Associated Press and local media on the 12th (local time), Kansas City, the largest city in Missouri, approved a resolution to declare an “LGBTQ+ sanctuary city” the day before and announced that it would actively support those who want transgender treatment and medical staff who want to provide such services.

The declaration states that the city will not prosecute or fine any person or organization that seeks, provides, receives or helps someone to receive gender-affirming care such as puberty blockers, hormones or surgery. Democratic Mayor Quinton Lucas said the city is committed to being a “welcoming, inclusive, and safe place for everyone, including our transgender and LGBTQ+ community.”

The declaration came just a day after the Republican-led Missouri legislature passed a bill that would limit sex change for minors and some adults. Missouri Gov. Mike Parson, a Republican, plans to sign the bill into law soon.

In addition, Andrew Bailey, the Attorney General of Missouri, a Republican, proposed that if anyone wants to change gender, one should receive expert counselling for at least one year before taking surgery, and the court is hearing it. The Associated Press said, “Kansas City’s move sets the Democratic-leaning city apart from Missouri, which is led by Republican governors and a Republican majority.”

Prior to Missouri, it was confirmed that 15 states restricted sex change surgery for minors by law.
Kansas City said, “Even if Missouri outlawed sex change surgery for minors, Kansas City would put it at the bottom of the list.”

The Republican Party said, “One may regret it later after underage sex change surgery,” and stressed, “The ban on underage sex change is aimed at protecting children.” However, the Democratic Party argues that such sanctions limit gay rights.

Meanwhile, ABC previously reported that three states—California, Minnesota, and Washington—and three cities—Chicago, Minneapolis, and West Hollywood (California)—proclaimed sanctuaries related to gender reassignment surgery (Source: Yonhap News).

My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth and someone should bring that person back, remember this: Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way will save them from death and cover over a multitude of sins. (James 5:19-20)

God, please rebuke Kansas City and the politicians in the United States for claiming to be a refuge for homosexuals, encouraging sins, and working together to confront the truth. Destroy Satan’s trick of deceiving people as if the sinful desire is to be respected and lead countless souls to death. Pray that there would not be another city like this. Let the church of America pray for the purity and salvation of this land so that the deluded may turn back from the path of sin will arise.

Prayer 24·365

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