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[Eng. Prayer] German Court Upholds Freedom to Pray Near Abortion Clinics

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.”

[Jun.28.2023] According to the Christian Post (CP), the German Federal Administrative Court in Leipzig recently ruled in favour of 40 Days for Life led by Pavica Vojnović.

Felix Böllmann, head of ADF International, said, “The court has made it clear once again that peaceful prayer rallies cannot be banned. Considering the court’s clear ruling, the federal government would better abandon its plan to limit basic rights to a large scale around abortion clinics.”

Last August, a district court upheld the group’s right to peaceful assembly but was challenged by the city of Pforzheim. Earlier, Federal Minister for Family Affairs Lisa Paus banned prayers and vigils around abortion clinics across Germany.

“I’m truly relieved. Our prayers really help, as many women have told us over and over. I am grateful that we can continue our prayer vigils. Every human life is precious and deserves protection,” said Pavica Vojnović after the decision was handed down.

“40 Days for Life” historically gathered in front of the “Pro Familia” facility twice a year to hold a silent prayer rally. In 2019, the city of Pforzheim banned them from praying in view of the building, even though the Pro Familia building and prayer meeting place were separated by a four-lane road. In response, Vojnović raised her voice and filed the case that the right to freedom of assembly was violated.

Twice a year, the 40 Days for Life group regularly gathered to hold silent prayer vigils in front of a Pro Familia abortion counselling facility—the German arm of Planned Parenthood which provides abortion-related counselling and performs and financially profits from abortions throughout Germany.

Earlier, Vojnović said, “I was shocked that we were not allowed to support vulnerable women and fetuses with prayer. I was disappointed to hear that silent prayer in public places was restricted by local authorities. Our society should provide better support to mothers in difficult situations,” he stressed.

Tomislav Kunovic, a spokesman for the group, said in a statement that “the comprehensive ban on prayer gatherings based on simple arguments violates basic rights,” adding, “The court also recognized this.”

The court’s ruling contrasts sharply with the government’s intention to ban prayer vigil prayers held near abortion clinics. Minister Paus reiterated his intention to introduce measures to restrict prayer and support services through legal measures near abortion clinics, while also calling for the abolition of Article 218 of the German Criminal Code, which regulates abortion. (Source: Christian Today Comprehensive).

And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. (James 5:15-16)

God, thank You for leading the group’s prayer to protect life and to fulfil the Lord’s will despite the German government’s restraint. We pray You would not only protect the life of the fetus and the health of the mother with their prayers of faith but also work until the sick egos that rebel against God, the sovereign of life, is saved. We pray through the church that stands on the truth You would restore this land where the law and social system go against You and entice people to love themselves against God.

Prayer 24·365

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