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[Eng. Prayer] Louisiana passes law banning sex reassignment surgery for minors

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

[Jul.24.2023] Louisiana’s Republican-dominated Legislature overturned Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards’ recent veto of a ban on gender-affirming care for transgender minors, the Christian Post (CP) reported on the 19th.

This makes Louisiana the 21st state in the United States to ban child sex reassignment surgery. On the 18th, the Louisiana State House voted 76 to 23 to override Edwards’ veto of House Bill 648, and the Senate overturned the governor’s veto by a vote of 28 to 11.

The bill would prohibit medical professionals from giving puberty blockers and sex reassignment hormones, or performing sex reassignment surgery, to minors with a transgender identity.

This authorises the Occupational Licensing Board to revoke the licenses of medical professionals who perform prohibited surgeries on minors and gives juveniles harmed by such surgeries the legal right to seek damages in any court of competent jurisdiction.

Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.
Do not let your heart turn to her ways or stray into her paths. (Proverbs 7:2,25)

God, we thank You for the news that Louisiana became the 21st state to ban child sex reassignment surgery. May more states in the United States keep Your commandments as the apple of the eye and walk the path of life. May the churches of this land cry out in prayer to protect the young souls who are seduced by fornication through the lust of the flesh and damage their bodies and souls. We pray that the next generation that follows Your creation order and Your Word and treasures the holiness restored by Jesus Christ will be firmly established in the United States and other nations.

Prayer 24·365

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