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[Eng. Prayer] 166.4 Million Bibles Distributed Worldwide Last Year… 500,000 Copies Distributed in Warring Ukraine

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 대한성서공회 영상 캡처

“Your words are my comfort in affliction.”

Last year, a total of 166.4 million scriptures were distributed worldwide, and more than 35.3 million Bibles were issued. In particular, more than 500,000 scriptures have been issued to war-torn Ukraine, the Bible Society of Korea said.

According to the 2022 World Bible Distribution Status Report released by the World Association of Bible Societies, 7 million copies of the New Testament have been issued worldwide. This is an increase of more than 40% from 2021. Also, the number of Bible downloads has increased. In 2022, 28% of Bibles provided by Bible Societies were via Internet download.

By country, the distribution of scriptures was 4.8 million copies in Brazil, 2.6 million copies in the United States, and 2.5 million copies in India. Bible distribution increased from 1.2 million copies to 1.8 million copies in China. Distribution by language was 5.8 million copies in Spanish, 5.4 million copies in English, and 4.9 million copies in Portuguese.

In particular, the Bible was issued to Ukrainian refugees scattered around the world and to Ukraine, where war broke out in February 2022, with Bibles that were supported from countries around the world, including Korea. In Ukraine, more than 500,000 scriptures were issued, including 109,965 complete Bibles, 133,008 New Testaments, 99,030 children’s Bibles and 261,480 short Bibles.

More than 20 partner Bible Societies have issued 250,000 Bibles for Ukrainian refugees.

Ukrainian Bible Society Rostyslav Starshuk said: “The war is still going on, and it could last longer. There are still many people who need to hear God’s voice through the Bible.” “We pray that God will protect us and strengthen the Ukrainian church and those who help the church so that the word of God can continue to reach as many people as possible.” (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper synthesis)

Remember your word to your servant, for you have given me hope. My comfort in my suffering is this: Your promise preserves my life. (Psalms 119:49-50)

God, thank You for the good news that the distribution of the Bible has increased worldwide despite difficulties such as war and persecution. Let Your word spread wider to all nations, and let the souls who are in difficulties, especially Ukraine, gain comfort, strength and have hope for the eternal Kingdom through Your word. May You continue strengthening the ministers who participate in the bible distribution ministry to be the channel of blessing that many will hear Your word and rise as true worshippers who glorify & honour Your name. 

Prayer 24·365

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