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[Eng. Prayer] UK: ‘March for Life UK – in London on the 2nd of September

▲ 출처: 사진 캡처

“The righteous will attain life.”

The annual March for Life UK is taking place on Saturday 2nd of September in central London under the theme of “Abortion destroys the freedom to live.” About 7,000 people took part in the march last year, much increase from the small group of people that gathered in Birmingham when the anti-abortion campaign began in 2012.

The March for Life UK has been held in London every year since 2018, and this year it will be held in London for just one week, building on the past few years’ success.

March for Life UK’s co-director, Isabel Von-Spruce, said, “While many are concerned about restrictions on freedoms, the most fundamental freedom, the freedom for life, is still not accepted as a basic human right for all. This is why we march”.

The March will end with a rally in Parliament Square. Attendees will hear world-renowned speakers and powerful testimonies in defence of life, including Life Training Institute Chairman Scott Klusendorf and Alliance Defending Freedom UK’s Louis MacLatchie-Miller.

A young woman named Ellie will testify how she lived a life devastated by multiple abortions before finding healing and restoration with the help of the anti-abortion group Rachel’s Vineyard. 

“I heard that abortion is empowering women, but it has had a terrifying effect on my life,” Ellie said ahead of the march. “I am marching and I invite others to join me as well. Women and babies have the right to have better treatment than being abandoned to these traumas.”

“We can and must find solutions that support both the life of the fetus and the mother during pregnancy. Freedom for women certainly means much more than this.”, she added.

Before the march, the Immanuel Centre on nearby Marsham Street hosts an anti-abortion festival called Lifefest. The march is scheduled to depart from the Emmanuel Centre at 1:30 p.m. on the day (Source: Christian Today Comprehensive).

Truly the righteous attain life, but whoever pursues evil finds death. (Proverbs 22:19)

God, thank You for leading the movement that truly respects the lives of pregnant women and fetuses and revealing the reality of abortion laws through March for Life in the UK. Let the policies that deceive and destroy the soul as if abortion is a basic human right be ineffective in the face of the Lord’s righteousness. May You destroy Satan’s trick that drives life to death. May the church of England pray for the end of abortion and save the life of the fetus on the verge of death, May those who followed the lust of the body return to the place of awe of the Lord.

Prayer 24·365

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