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[Eng. Prayer] Thailand: Thailand Re-allows Surrogacy for Foreign Couples to Expand Medical Tourism

▲ 출처: Unsplash의Jonathan Sanchez

“Since you have been renewed in knowledge, put on the new self”

The Thai government has decided to allow surrogacy for foreign couples to expand medical tourism. According to Reuters on the 2nd, a high-ranking official from the health authorities said, “We are seeking to revise related laws to allow foreign couples to give birth through surrogate mothers.”

Those eligible must be legally married, regardless of their sex, and the child from surrogacy must be guaranteed protection and rights in the couple’s home country, he said

If this bill passes, Thailand will become the seventh country in the world to allow commercial surrogacy. Commercial surrogacy refers to receiving financial compensation for pregnancy and childbirth. Countries that allow commercial surrogacy include Ukraine, Georgia, Colombia, Mexico, Russia, and India.

Additionally, countries that legally recognize surrogacy are the United Kingdom, Australia, Ireland, Denmark, Greece, Laos, and Israel. The United States and Canada allow it in some areas.

A government official explained, “This is a measure not only to expand medical tourism for foreigners but also for infertile couples in Thailand.” The revised bill will be submitted to the Cabinet at the end of this month, undergo an approval process, and then move on to the National Assembly.

Thailand banned surrogacy for foreign couples in 2015. This measure was in response to social criticism that surrogacy had been recklessly commercialized due to a lack of control by the authorities. However, as an exception, surrogacy has been allowed only for Thai or Thai-foreign couples who have been married for three years and are infertile.

For example, in 2014, an Australian couple requested a surrogate mother from a Thai woman and gave birth to twins. However, one of the twins was refused by the couple because the baby was born with Down syndrome disability, causing an international stir.

During the investigation of the case, the case of a Japanese man giving birth to more than 10 babies through surrogate mothers in Thailand surfaced and shocked the world. (Source: Yonhap News)

Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Because of these, the wrath of God is coming. And have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator. (Colossians 3:5-6, 10)

God, please rebuke Thailand and stop the re-enactment of the surrogate law as the government officials are pushing for reintroducing it for the country’s economic growth disturbing the order of life and family created by God and opposing the truth. Please expose Satan’s tricks that hijack the sovereignty of life and entice people to satisfy their lust and greed. Lord God, may You wake the Thai church up so that they will proclaim the gospel diligently to bring many people to know the truth and honour You. May the Thai be renewed in knowledge in the image of their Creator that they will obey Your law and glorify You. 

Prayer 24·365

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