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[Eng. Prayer] China_Hong Kong: The Draft of the National Security Act of Hong Kong Released… Treason Could Mean a Life Sentence

▲ 출처: Unsplash의Annie Spratt 사진 캡처

“He does righteous things and judges for the oppressed.”

The so-called ‘Hong Kong version of the National Security Act’ being promoted by the Hong Kong authorities contained the maximum life sentence for some crimes including insurrection and treason, the Associated Press reported on the 8th.

The draft law released on the day said that inciting a foreign country to invade China by force could lead to the highest life sentence for treason. It can be considered a rebellion if reckless enough to endanger the entire city’s public safety.

“The Hong Kong government has proposed more severe penalties than independently committing crimes if residents collude with foreign forces to commit certain crimes through the legislation,” the AP said, adding that “expanding the government’s authority to eradicate challenges to government governance and also include strict penalties for the opposition.”

Specifically, they face up to 20 years in prison for damaging public infrastructure, including airports and other means of public transport, to jeopardise national security, but could also be sentenced to life imprisonment if they collude with outside forces. Similarly, a person who commits an inflammatory offence is sentenced to seven years in prison, but if the person colludes with outside forces for such an act, the sentence is increased to 10 years.

Broad definitions of external forces include foreign governments, political parties, international organisations, and companies where executives are obliged to act by the wishes of foreign governments. In this regard, businessmen and journalists living in Hong Kong are expressing strong fear and concern that their day-to-day work could be criminalised, the AP said.

The bill was unveiled in the wake of a bill debate held by Hong Kong legislators starting today under pressure from Hong Kong Chief Executive John Lee to finalise the legislation as quickly as possible.

The new National Security Act, which the Hong Kong government intends to legislate this year, is called the Hong Kong version of the National Security Act and is a complement to the previous 2020 bill. For now, Hong Kong’s democratic forces have been drastically reduced compared to four years ago, so it is unlikely that protests will take place, and the National Assembly, which is also controlled by pro-Chinese figures, so the passage of the bill seems to be a matter of time. (Source: Yonhap News)

The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed.   But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children— with those who keep his covenant.  ( Psalms 103:6,17-18)

God, pray for Your divine intervention to prevent the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law from passing, as it will impose strict penalties and restrictions on the citizens by expanding the government’s power. May You rebuke the Chinese government for its endless expansion of its power, and let Hong Kong citizens, who fear their freedom on the verge of being suppressed, cry out for your righteousness. Show the power of Your Kingdom, which moves forward in the face of hardship through the churches of Hong Kong, which upholds Your covenant and obeys Your laws even when it faces stormy days.

Prayer 24·365

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