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[Eng. Prayer] Canada: Canada Considers Removing Religious Exemption’… Expressing Christian Values May Become a Criminal Offence

▲ 출처: Unsplash의Sasun Bughdaryan사진 캡쳐

“Rulers, hear the word of Jehovah.”

In Canada, citing the Bible to defend Christian sexual values is at risk of being defined as a crime.

According to the American Christian Post (CP), the Canadian House of Commons is currently considering Bill C-367, which would abolish the ‘religious exemption’ in Section 319 of the Criminal Code. The bill states that it “prohibits any conviction for hate speech for asserting an opinion about a religious entity or an opinion based on belief in a religious text.”

However, if the religious exemption is abolished, faith-based speech that contradicts or criticises gender ideology, the sexual objectification of children and other similar topics could potentially be considered “hate speech” and lead to criminal prosecution.

“We are no longer allowed to publicly share God’s plan for sex and marriage,” said David Cook, director of the Canadian pro-life group Campaign Life Coalition (CLC). “In the future, we will not be able to speak out in the name of God against drag shows targeting children (shows performed by gay men dressed as women) and gender reassignment of children,” he said.

He added, “All of this could be misunderstood as ‘hate speech’ against the LGBT gender identity group, and even our anti-abortion message could be dismissed as a ‘hate crime’ against women.”

Jeff King, president of International Christian Concern, a Christian persecution watchdog, also pointed out, “If this bill is passed, it will become a destructive legal tool that will allow politicians to attack believers and send devout Christians to prison for quoting the Bible.”

Over the past decade, Canadian lawmakers have been lobbied by LGBT gender identity groups and passed several laws aimed at curbing dissent. In 2017, Canada’s Senate passed a bill banning the correct use of gender pronouns, adding protections for gender identity and expression to human rights law.

Last September, Ontario lawmakers approved a bill banning any form of communication that could cause LGBT-identified people to feel “harassed” or “offended” following a large parental rights rally. (Source: Daily Good News, Christian Today Comprehensive).

But as for me, I am filled with power, with the Spirit of the Lord, and with justice and might, to declare to Jacob his transgression, to Israel his sin. Hear this, you leaders of Jacob, you rulers of Israel, who despise justice and distort all that is right. (Micah 3:8,9)

God, may You rebuke the Canadian government for making people ignorant of their sins and pervert justice by criminalizing the grace of the Lord, who leads his loved ones to turn back from their sins. May You restore the fear of God in rulers so that they would repent of their sins of turning a blind eye to the spiritual suffering of the people for a long time and listen to the word of the Lord to obey the justice of the Lord. Let the churches and organizations fighting for the truth boldly proclaim the gospel of the cross with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, praise the joy of forgiveness of sin, and seek the Lord, who is the hope of all nations.

Prayer 24·365

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