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[Pakistan] Spreading the Gospel to Brick Kiln Factory Workers…The Muslim Masters Are Also Converted

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 레트로레인다큐멘터리 영상 캡처

“The tender mercy of God will guide our feet into the path of peace.”

A missionary group is spreading the gospel and producing various fruits at brick kiln factories, which is considered the fundamental industry of Pakistan’s economy, the Mission Network recently introduced. According to the media, more than 4.5 million workers live like modern slaves in 14,000 brick kiln factories across the country.

Greg Kelley of the Bible distribution missionary group “Unknown Nations” is delivering the Bible to the workers at these brick kiln factories and spreading the gospel. Currently, whole families of workers in kiln factories live like slaves on the condition that they are provided with living expenses.

Despite this type of employment being illegal, politicians in Pakistan often accept bribes and condone criminal activities such as organ extraction and child trafficking of kiln workers.

Kelly can buy workers’ freedom for a day if he pays about $2,500 to the owner of a brick kiln factory. During this time, Kelly and his team members can deliver messages of the gospel to the kiln factory workers during meals and breaks.

“Resting is always a good thing for them,” Kelly said. “When we go into factories, we always preach the gospel. So many slaves are suffering so much that their hearts are wide open to the message of hope.”

Every time people gather, some people come to Christ. Moreover, in recent years, kiln factory owners who were Muslims gave their lives to Christ. Their actions changed and the slaves were given freedom. The changes came as they came to Christ and came to know him. Kelly said, “This is the evidence and influence of the gospel.”

This opened doors for churches to be established in kiln factories. While kiln workers regularly gather, the new believers naturally worship and pray together and, with the help of the audio Bible left by Kelly’s team, disciples other kiln workers.

In Pakistan, Islamic forces frequently apply anti-conversion laws to Christians. Kelly, on the other hand, was able to raise his disciples thanks to the strong tight-knit communities that had formed in the brick kiln factories.

Kelly asked for prayers for Pakistani Christians to be mobilised more to go into the brick kiln factory mission fields for the discipleship of the enslaved. He said that though it is a tenuous missionary field, he prays God will send more people to deliver the good news. (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper)

Because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace. (Luke 1:78-79)

Thank You, God, for shining the light of the gospel to the workers of brick factories in Pakistan, whom no one cared, and even the owners of kiln factories who were Muslims to respond to the gospel. Pray that You would be the God of the marginalized who are still suffering in the lowest place, so that churches can be established with the vitality of the gospel, and they may become disciples of Christ and follow the Lord. May the churches and groups serving this land be holy channels and pray for souls in the dark, guiding Pakistan to the path of peace with the truth.

Prayer 24·365

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