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[US] Student Gets Diploma After It Was Withheld for Speech to Seek Jesus at His Commencement Speech

▲ 출처: 엑스(전 트위터) @chelseasicknews 계정 사진 캡처

“I will keep your law always, I will keep it forever.”

A Kentucky high school student denied his diploma last week for speaking to seek Jesus in his commencement speech then received it a few days later.  According to the US Christian Post (CP), Micah Price, a graduating senior at Campbell County High School, received his diploma 5 days later from school officials after he went off-script and addressed Christianity during the graduation ceremony on the 24th. 

Price said school officials permitted him to give the commencement speech on the condition that he could give thanks to “our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,” but “no mission” to the audience.

However, Price addressed the audience “Seek Jesus Christ and Jesus is the light. He’s the way, the truth and the life. I’m here to tell you that if you don’t have any of these things in your life but can’t find the answer, then my Lord and Savior is the answer. He will give you the truth, the way and the life.”

After the graduation ceremony, he said in a TikTok video, “It’s true that I was wrong because I broke the rules and regulations of Campbell County.” Superintendent Shelley Wilson told WKRC that Price would receive his diploma after the meeting with the principal.

Superintendent Shelli Wilson told WKRC, “All speakers have been informed in advance that there may be disadvantages if they deviate from their submitted scripts of speeches or make unplanned choices at graduation. While many of us are proud of this young man’s beliefs and are practising Christianity ourselves, the principal must consider the possibilities of students going off the planned program.”

Price said, “I just couldn’t help but talk about what my Lord and saviour has done to me and what he has brought to my life. I deserved punishment, but through Christ, we are victorious,” and said through this experience he felt the need to share more about God’s goodness.

Meanwhile, Price said school leaders are threatened by this incident and urged his supporters to respond with love. “If you consider yourself a true Christian, please pray for me with love. That’s all I need,” said he. (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper, Christian Daily Comprehensive)

I hold fast to your statutes, Lord; do not let me be put to shame. Never take your word of truth from my mouth, for I have put my hope in your laws. I will always obey your law, forever and ever. (Psalms 119:31,43-44)

God, we praise You for waking up the church and the world by the bold faith of one student in the United States which is swept up in a wave of futile ideas and secularism that rebel against the gospel. Through this experience, let brother Price and believers be more confident and obedient in proclaiming and living out the truth and create clean hearts in them for this purpose. May Your gospel be exalted in America and all nations through the witnesses who do not compromise Your Word for any patterns of this world. And may those who are thirsty come and encounter Jesus Christ who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Prayer 24·365

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