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[Iran] 1 Million Muslims Converted to Christianity … 50,000 Mosques Closed

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 CBN News영상 캡처

“The Sovereign LORD will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations.”

An unprecedented number of Muslims in Iran are choosing to follow Christ, and many are looking for a better life, CBN News reported on the 13th. Iranians are disappointed at the empty promises of ayatollahs (high-ranking Islamic clerics) and the Islamic theocratic regime. An anonymous internal poll shows that 80% are now in favour of a democratic government, and many are leaving Islam.

“Iran has one of the highest drug addiction rates in the world,” said Todd Nettleton of the Voice of Martyrs (VOM). “Corruption is rampant, and more than half of the population live below the poverty line.” He added, “People say they are no longer interested in what Islam has brought them, and they want to know what other options are.”

According to Nettleton, the alternate faith chosen by many is Jesus, and at least 1 million Muslims are reported to have accepted Christianity and left Islam. This has reportedly closed 50,000 of Iran’s 75,000 mosques.

“The Iranian government considers people’s moves of leaving Islam and converting to other religions or opposing the government as threats, strengthening their power and suppressing opposition forces to prevent it,” Nettleton said. “This year, the family church that studied the Bible has been raided several times,” he said. “Everyone who was there was interrogated, especially the leader of the group was arrested, detained and imprisoned.”

Nettleton also said that family and friends are more tolerant toward leaving Islam than the government, adding, “They say, ‘If you find something right, whether it’s Jesus or atheism, it doesn’t matter what it is. I’m happy to see that you found something that works because I know Islam doesn’t work.’”

“I think what’s happening there represents what’s happening in the Islamic world,” said Don Schenk of The Tide Ministry, a Christian missionary group, explaining that as Muslims experience dreams and visions, many people have found their purpose in life and a different understanding of God.

“I receive responses from listeners that, ‘Now I know God loves me. I always thought God wanted to punish me,'” Schenk said. “Awareness is taking place not only in Iran but all over the Islamic world.” (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper)

I delight greatly in the LORD; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. For as the soil makes the sprout come up and a garden causes seeds to grow, so the Sovereign LORD will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations. (Isaiah 61:10-11)

God, thank You, Lord, for the amazing work of a million Muslims converting to Christianity in response to the gospel despite the oppression of the authorities in Iran, which ranks eighth in the world in the persecution of Christ. Let Satan’s deceit enslaving people to fear with false religion be broken and lead them to receive Jesus Christ, who gave his life for them to redeem sin. Let those who have come to the Lord stand firm on words and may You give salvation to all the Middle Eastern nations through them and let righteousness and praise rise with great joy because of the Lord.

Prayer 24·365

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