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[Europe] Growing Islamic Influence in Europe, Increasing Threat to MBB (Muslim Based Believer)

▲ 출처:유튜브 채널 CBN News 영상 캡처

“Find refuge under his wing”

International Christian Concerns (ICC) recently reported that Muslim Based Believers (MBB) are being threatened not only in Islamic countries but also in Europe. Even after moving to countries like Italy, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom, MBB believers are still being bullied, threatened, or physically attacked by believers of their former religions.

The Observatory on Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians (OIDAC) in Europe reported on Aug. 22 that the number of anti-Christian hate crimes has been on the rise. The severity of crimes has ranged from crimes like vandalism and blasphemy to arson, physical attack, and in some cases murder. It particularly emphasised that people who converted from Islam to Christianity are the main targets of these crimes.

Sid Cordle, the leader of the British Christian Peoples Alliance (CPA) has been involved in this issue since 2005, said, “The subtle persecution of MBB believers has certainly turned into public persecution.” Nisar Hussein, an MBB believer from Pakistan and living in the United Kingdom, was attacked by two Muslim men. One of them was armed with a pickaxe.

Another notable incident was surrounding Hatun Tash, an MBB believer and refugee from Turkey. She became a public critic of Islam after arriving in the UK and was stabbed in broad daylight in London in July 2021. In some European cities, Christians, especially MBB believers, are being persecuted.

However, persecution occurs more frequently in certain restricted areas, such as refugee camps in Germany, An OIDAC official said that some of the attacks were carried out by security guards at Muslim refugee camps. “Violence against MBB believers in Europe is a sensitive and politically controversial issue. Some governments are hesitant about dealing with this issue.”

Most media outlets are reluctant to deal with the problems faced by MBB believers for fear of being branded as Islamophobic. According to officials, NGOs working with MBB believers are experiencing frequent threats and physical attacks. Although European democracies advocate freedom of faith, such freedom is not appropriately guaranteed for MBB believers.

Throughout Europe, when MBB believers engage in religious activities, such as studying the Bible or preparing for baptism, they often proceed in secret because they can be in great danger if their conversion is known to their families or communities. In North America, MBB believers do not suffer as much persecution as in Europe but still have a great deal of repulsion or psychological burden from their families and society. (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper Comprehensive).

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. (Psalms 91:1-2,4)

God, please take care of the lives of Muslim Based Believers who are bullied and threatened for being Christians even in Europe where they moved to from their home countries. Please proclaim your righteousness to countries that say they advocate freedom of faith but are reluctant to respond to violence against MBB believers. To You, we lift up the safety of refugee camps and certain areas where persecution occurs frequently, and would You protect Your children who take refuge under the wings of the Almighty and firmly establish them on the truth. May Europe, which is losing its gospel light, meet the living God through them and desire the grace the Lord has given.

Prayer 24·365

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