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[Vietnam] Addicts Recovering Through a Christian Rehabilitation Centre

▲ 출처: 유튜브채널 CTS뉴스영상 캡처

“The sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays.”

Hung Quang Pham, who was expelled from a rehabilitation centre run by the Vietnamese government in 2013, had given up his life when he couldn’t find treatment any longer. However, with the help of his Christian friends, he was admitted to a rehabilitation centre run by the church, met Jesus through praise and words, and was freed from heroin addiction.

Now he has set up a small rehabilitation centre and is helping 11 addicts for treatment and caring for 6 orphans. Currently, there are about 60 Christian drug rehabilitation centres in Vietnam. Although not all of these organisations are permitted for registration for religious reasons, even the communist government is paying attention to their effectiveness.

Human Rights Watch (HRW), a human rights group, said that the recurrence rate of addicts in concentration camps run by the Vietnamese government was more than 80%, many of those detained experienced human rights violations, and AIDS outbreaks and tuberculosis infections were significant in overcrowded detention facilities. In 2012, the U.N. urged the Vietnamese government to close over 100 forced drug detention and rehabilitation centres.

Pastor Ngo Tan Si, who started the Addict Rehabilitation Centre in 1996, said Christian rehabilitation is entirely based on love, and that the power of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word is changing the addict’s mind.

Pastor Nam Quoc Trung, the founder of the Aquila Rescue Centre, Vietnam’s largest rehabilitation centre with 200 employees, also had 12 times reoccurring addicts and was eventually admitted to the Christian centre. Late last year, the Vietnamese government allowed the registration of 13 Christian centres, including the Aquila Rescue Centre.

Meanwhile, according to Inside Vina, a Vietnamese media outlet, drug administration is emerging as a serious social problem among Vietnamese youth. In Vietnam, 44.6% of drug users were young people aged 12-30, and the age trend of drug users is getting younger.

According to Vietnam’s Ministry of Public Security, police have detected more than 67,000 drug crimes and arrested 105,000 people since 2022. The seized drugs amounted to 1.6 tons of heroin, 1.7 tons of marijuana, 7.6 tons of synthetic drugs, and 7 million tablets.

Public Security Minister Luong Tam Quang said, “The number of drug users and addicts in the community currently stands at 95,600,” adding, “This high demand for drugs is one of the unsettling factors that increase the risk of crimes such as theft, robbery, and deliberate harm.” (Source: Gospel Prayer Newspaper, General Headquarters 24 and 365)

But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves. “Remember the law of my servant Moses, the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all Israel. (Malachi 4:2,4)

God, thank You for saving a soul who was trapped in sin and struggled in the miserable state of life with words and using him as a vessel of righteousness. In this land where the dangers of crimes in society are increasing due to rapidly growing drug addictions, with the cooperation of the government. Let the channel of the Lord’s provision be not blocked and the door of salvation be wide open with the Holy Spirit and truth. Let this country under communism’s oppression praise the LORD for His Kindness and the miracles He bestows on lives, and let this land be a country revere the Lord by following Your commands and statutes.

Prayer 24·365

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