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[U.S.] President Trump: “Anti-Christian Discrimination in Government Must End Immediately”

▲ 출처: 유튜브 SBS 뉴스 영상 캡처

“He sought his God and worked wholeheartedly. And so he prospered.”

On the 6th (local time), U.S. President Donald Trump announced plans to establish a Religious Freedom Committee, an Anti-Christian Prejudice Task Force, and a Faith Office within the White House. Speaking at a series of national prayer events in Washington, D.C., including one on Capitol Hill, Trump addressed the growing threats to religious freedom in the United States.

“In recent years, we have witnessed an unprecedented attack on this sacred freedom,” he stated.

He cited the case of a man who was penalized for praying outside an abortion clinic, explaining that he had recently pardoned him. Trump further claimed that “for years, the previous administration selectively used vague laws as weapons against Christians.”

Trump introduced Attorney General Pam Bondi as the leader of the newly formed Anti-Christian Prejudice Task Force, emphasizing that its primary mission is to immediately halt all forms of anti-Christian discrimination within the federal government. He added, “The task force will also work tirelessly to prosecute acts of violence against Christians and protect the rights of believers across the nation.”

Reflecting on his survival of an assassination attempt during his presidential campaign, Trump said, “It was God who saved me. I’ve always believed in Him, but after that moment, my faith grew even stronger.”

Quoting Scripture, he remarked, “The Bible says, ‘Blessed are the peacemakers.’ When my time in office is over, I hope to be remembered as someone who brought unity and became a peacemaker.”

Trump also addressed concerns over the nation’s aviation infrastructure, referencing the recent crash of a commercial airliner and a military helicopter. “Some countries have excellent air traffic control systems, but our equipment has become outdated. These accidents could have been prevented if we had the right technology.”

He revealed that when traveling on his private plane, he often relies on another country’s air traffic system, though he declined to name which one. Urging bipartisan action, he stated, “We must all come together to pass a single bill that ensures America has the best air traffic control system in the world.” (Source: Yonhap News Edited)

In everything that he undertook in the service of God’s temple and in obedience to the law and the commands, he sought his God and worked wholeheartedly. And so he prospered. (2 Chronicles 31:21)

God, thank You for Your grace in giving America, a nation once plagued by anti-Christian attacks and discrimination, an opportunity to realign itself with biblical values. May these new policies and initiatives serve as instruments to fulfill Your divine will. Grant wisdom and a heart of reverence to the leaders, that they may govern with humility and righteousness. Lead the people to walk in truth, obeying Your laws and commandments with unity of heart. May they become faithful witnesses of the power and glory of the cross, and may Your kingdom flourish in this land, bringing prosperity to the work of the Lord.

Prayer 24·365

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