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[Colombia] 120,000 People in Northeastern Conflict Zone in Urgent Need of Humanitarian Aid

▲ 출처: 유튜브 EL TIEMPO 영상 캡처

“I will be with them in trouble, I will deliver them.”

Project HOPE reported that over 120,000 residents in conflict-affected areas of northeastern Colombia urgently require humanitarian aid. The region, bordering Venezuela, has experienced prolonged instability due to illegal weapons, drug trafficking, and smuggling, further intensified by clashes between guerrilla groups and rebels.

Currently, humanitarian conditions in multiple municipalities have reached “critical” or “catastrophic” levels. Shelters report severe shortages in healthcare services, with 36% of residents receiving no medical care. Water scarcity and inadequate sanitation worsen public health risks, and diseases like leishmaniasis have emerged, particularly in Tibú.

More than 52,000 people have been displaced, with an additional 21,000 facing movement restrictions or blockades. Monica Hoyos, Project HOPE’s Program Director, emphasized that without continued support and funding, the crisis will only worsen. She urged immediate action, calling for enhanced mobile health services, mental health support, and improvements in water and sanitation infrastructure.(Source : Prayer24365 Edited)

He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. (Psalms 91:15)

God, have mercy on those facing a catastrophic humanitarian crisis due to renewed armed conflicts in northeastern Colombia, a region long devastated by violence. In a land plagued by governmental helplessness and violent clashes among armed groups fighting relentlessly for control over illicit economies, we proclaim that You alone are our hope. Break every chain of evil, LORD. May the Colombian believers, in their suffering and distress, encounter You as the God who hears and answers prayers, experiencing Your divine help. May Your good and gracious hand provide for their every need, so that they would know You as their God and find peace in Your presence.

Prayer 24·365

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