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[Eng. Prayer]World “The rape and forced conversion of Christian women and girls is a stain on the international community.”

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“The Lord loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones.”

[Nov.17.2021]The abduction, rape, and forced conversion of Christian women and girls, “is a stain on the conscience of the international community,” a UK MP has said.

According to the U.K. Christian Today (CT), their plight is highlighted on Red Wednesday on 24 November. Each year, the day of prayer and campaigning is held by Aid to the Church in Need (ACN) to raise awareness of persecution against Christians worldwide.

Lisa Cameron, SNP MP for East Kilbride told ACN: “The prevalence of Christian women being abducted, raped and forced to convert and marry their abductor is a stain on the conscience of the international community.”

She has added her name to a petition launched by ACN ahead of Red Wednesday calling on the UK and UN to do more to stop violence against Christian women and girls.

“The international community ought to understand that women all over the world suffer sexual violence because of their religion,” she said. “Until we say enough is enough, nothing will change.”

The petition has garnered cross-party support, with another signatory, Tory MP Rehman Chishti, calling the issue “of paramount importance.”
“Influential bodies such as the UN must recognise the sheer scale of the problem,” he said.

“It is absolutely crucial that the UK and international partners work together through multilateral fora to do all they can to address this.

“Freedom of religion or belief is a human right, too often overlooked, and no woman should be raped and abused because of her religious belief.”

Red Wednesday will also see the launch of ACN’s report, ‘Hear Her Cries’, which details the “global problem” of the kidnapping, forced conversion, and rape of Christian women and girls.

Labour MP Mike Kane said Red Wednesday was “a vitally important day to raise awareness of all the Christians, and those of other religious minority groups, which are made to suffer daily because of their beliefs.”

He added: “All over the world, particularly in the global south, Christians are subjected to all manner of persecution – rape, murder, discrimination – and ACN’s mission goes a long way to alleviating that terrible suffering.” (Source: Christian Daily).

For the Lord loves the just and will not forsake his faithful ones. Wrongdoers will be completely destroyed[c]; the offspring of the wicked will perish. (Psalms 37:28)

God, may Your justice reveal upon the nations where Christian women are greatly suffering because of their faith. May the evil actions of abduction, rape, and forced conversion of Christian women be stopped immediately by Your supernatural intervention. We pray that the ‘Red Wednesday’ campaign will awaken the international community’s conscience so that religious freedom is guaranteed to all the women of the nations. May You keep and protect the women living in the affected areas that they will be victorious until the end through the faith in Christ Jesus, their Refuge in times of trouble.

Prayer 24·365

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