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[Eng. Prayer]South Africa, 10,000 Rapes in 3 months, and Murders…During Lockdown due to Covid-19

▲ Sources:

“Trust in him at all times, you people for God is our refuge”

[Nov.22.2021]Security in South Africa is found to be very unstable. Nearly 10,000 rape cases were reported in South Africa between July and September for three months and the number of murder cases has risen sharply.

South African Police Minister Bheki Cele said that for the period of 1 July to 30 September 2021, 9556 people were raped in South Africa, Newsis reported on the 20th November, citing local media News24.

He said that most of the rape victims are women and those most vulnerable in society.

During that period, lockdown Levels 4, 3, and 2 were in effect in South Africa. And 3,951 rape cases took place at either their own homes by people they knew and trusted.

Liquor and drugs were involved in 1,383 of the rape cases. Four hundred of the rape cases were related to domestic violence. The figure represents an increase of 634 cases (7.1%), compared to the previous reporting period.

Cele also said that the number of homicides during the same period jumped 21% from July to September last year and, “This data proves that South Africa is a very violent country which is deeply disturbing and a disgrace.”

But he said that although security in South Africa is very bad, “we can and should do more to make sure the people of South Africa feel safe.” (source: Gospel Prayer News).

Trust in him at all times, you people, pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge. (Psalms 62:8)

Dear God, please govern the unstable security in South Africa, where rape and murder cases have skyrocketed due to the lockdown. Demolish Satan’s evil schemes that foster distrust and destroy relationships through violence by those close to each other in places deemed safe. Please make a way for women and the vulnerable who are suffering from violence to meet the Lord who is our refuge and let the government trust in You at all times to overcome this crisis.

Prayer 24·365

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